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Recap / Star Trek Enterprise S 01 E 11 Cold Front

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In a temporal chamber, the Suliban's boss orders a Suliban doctor to remove Silik's enhanced vision as punishment for failing to destabilise the Klingon Empire. Meanwhile, Daniels gives Archer dinner, then they arrive at a stellar nursery, where a transport captain, named Fraddock, explains that there are Borothan pilgrims on board, who plan to see a phenomenon called the Great Plume of Agosoria, which they associate with the beginning of the universe. Archer invites everybody on the ship onboard the Enterprise and Fraddock declines but decides to pass on the message.

Archer, T'Pol, and Trip then greet about twelve guests, one of whom gives them presents. Archer offers them dinner and they explain that they usually fast at this time, but make an exception. They then discuss their religion in the mess hall. On the bridge, Hoshi considers giving the guests a tour, but Malcolm would rather they keep the tactical areas off-limits. Trip, meanwhile, gives some of the aliens a tour of engineering, one of whom turns out to actually be an expert on engineering, and another of whom tampers with the engine.

More aliens are learning about sickbay, when a plasma storm strikes, leading to an antimatter cascade that almost destroys the ship. Luckily, however, the damage suddenly stops despite Trip not having done anything. The aliens leave, bringing Phlox with them so he can visit their ship, and Trip discovers the tampered engine. Believing one of the aliens was responsible, he tells Archer, who tells Fraddock, who questions the other aliens, but nobody comes clean.

Archer exits the ready room and runs into Daniels. Daniels wants to talk to Archer, despite Archer stating that he's busy, and reveals that he believes one of the aliens to be a Suliban. This piques Archer's interest, so Daniels leads him to his quarters, where he reveals that he's from the future, and in fact isn't a Starfleet officer but rather works for an organisation that prevents people from meddling with the timeline. He then explains that a "Temporal Cold War" is taking place, and the 22nd century is important to it. He proves he's from the future by revealing information, then explains that the ship was saved by a Suliban named Silik, who Daniels needs to capture, but he needs Archer's help in tracking Silik.

Archer tells Trip and T'Pol and orders them to cooperate, then Phlox comes back, along with several aliens who want to see the Plume. Archer asks Phlox about the aliens' behaviour, but he saw nothing noteworthy. Meanwhile, Daniels works with Trip and T'Pol with several gadgets, one of them allowing the user to walk through walls.

While Archer is feeding Porthos, Silik appears, having determined that he's being searched for due to detecting tachyon particles, which usually aren't there. He demands to know who's doing the searching, and Archer initially plays dumb, but then Silik claims that Daniels isn't who he seemed to be, the cascade may have been intentional, and he (Silik) saved everyone's lives. T'Pol then reveals that it's Daniels who's looking for Silik, so Silik stuns Archer and leaves.

Daniels detects Suliban lifesigns in engineering, then Trip sees movement around the catwalk and orders everyone but Daniels to evacuate. Silik appears and seemingly blows Daniels up, then Trip calls Archer, but Archer doesn't reply, so Trip calls Phlox to Archer's quarters.

Phlox revives Archer and orders Malcolm to find the intruder, who must still be onboard since Fraddock claims nobody returned. Archer discovers that Silik stole Daniels's "temporal observatory" device, then Trip finds Silik with Daniels's scanning device. Archer pursues Silik and the two men fight, ending with Archer destroying the temporal observatory and Silik cryptically telling Archer that he may have "endangered [his] future". Silik escapes and flies away on his ship, while Archer orders Daniels's quarters locked and his roommate reassigned.

