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Recap / Sonic The Hedgehog Archie Comics Zone Princess Sally Miniseries

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A three-issue miniseries whose events take place between StH #23 and #24.

    Princess Sally Issue # 1 

Deadliest of the Species! - Part One

After getting into a fight against some SWATbots, Sally and Geoffrey decide to escape and go into the forest. There, the princess leads the rogue skunk into a team of new recruits for the Freedom Fighters she's gathered for the ocassion: Hamlin the Pig, Arlo the Armadillo, Penelope the Platypus and Dylan the Porcupine. Sally instructs the team into the plan they've been gathered for: they're going to blow up one of the energy substations for Robotropolis' defense system (the first one she destroyed back in StH #20). Despite the enemy robots and the constant squabble between Geoffrey and Hamlin, the team manages to achieve their goal and get away unscathed. However, that night, Geoffrey sneaks by the sleeping Sally and goes somewhere else thanks to a portal he created with his wristwatch. Inside a metal container, a different Sally lies sleeping and Geoffrey watches over her in a mysterious way.

    Princess Sally Issue # 2 

Deadliest of the Species! - Part Two

Sally, Geoffrey and the Freedom Fighter trainees go to deactivate the last substation. They reach the atoll it's located in with some gliders, but Arlo's gets shot down by an anti-air cannon. Since Arlo got his leg hurt, Penelope stays behind to help him while the rest of the team presses on to destroy the substation. After defeating an Octo-Pod robot, Sally and her allies try to find Penelope and Arlo, but to no avail. The end up heading back to their new camp much against Hamlin's wishes and postponing destroying the building. Later that night, Geoffrey snatches a sleeping Sally and replaces her with the one in the metal container. The next morning, Sally convinces the remaining trainees that Geoffrey's gone do something else while he's actually carting the other Sally to Robotnik.

    Princess Sally Issue # 3 

Deadliest of the Species! - Part Three

Sally, Dylan and Hamlin head to the final substation to destroy it, but are met with Robotnik and Geoffrey, who seems to be a traitor and, as Hamlin was about to attack, he and Dylan are shocked to discover the Sally leading them is, apparently, one of Robotnik's new creations: an auto-automaton, the first in many perfect replicas of the original Freedom Fighters. Robotnik reveals to the now captured trainees that the substations were nothing but a rumor he used to lure the Freedom Fighter trainees out so that they would be led by his fake Sally into missions to test how convincing she was as an impostor. Geoffrey brought him the real Sally and now that the tyrant has her trapped, he activates the robotization process to have her under his command... but the machine overloads and explodes. It is then revealed that Geoffrey had actually been working for the Freedom Fighters all along, that the Sally who they thought was a robot was the real deal and that the replacement shown near the end of the previous issue was him delivering the REAL Sally to the camp and bringing Robotnik the auto-automaton Sally. With the help of Rebel Underground (plus Arlo and Penelope, who RU rescued before), Sally and the rest of the team escape the base and, since it was secretly the place where the rest of the auto-automatons were being built, the threat of the other members of the Freedom Fighters being replaced has been ended. In the end, the four new recruits are awarded full-membership status and Geoffrey parts ways, but not before kissing Sally, indicating he may have earned a special place in her heart, challenging Sonic's.
