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Recap / Smallville S 04 E 17 Onyx

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Originally aired April 13, 2005

Written by Steven S De Knight

Directed by Terrence O'Hara

An experiment with Kryptonite goes wrong and results in Alexander, Lex's evil side, being released. Alexander imprisons Lex in the Luthor Mansion, tries to get Lionel to return to his evil ways, attempts to kill Clark and Chloe, and threatens to close the Talon unless Lana moves in with him.

Tropes present in the episode:

  • Applied Phlebotinum: Alexander puts on a Kryptonite ring, which he wields against Clark.
  • Badass Boast: Alexander delivers this excellent gem after shooting Jonathan in the leg:
    Alexander: You were right about me all along, Mr. Kent. [Beat] I am the villain of the story.
  • Bald of Evil: Alexander, of course.
  • Call-Back: Alexander and Lionel's fencing match echoes the one between Lex and Lionel in Season 1's "Hothead."
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Alexander. (See Badass Boast above.)
  • Distressed Dude: Lex is kept prisoner inside the Luthor Mansion's wine cellar by Alexander.
  • Doppelganger Link: Implied. Alexander doesn't kill Lex because he's not sure what would happen to him if his good half died.
  • Enemy Without: Lex, thanks to Black Kryptonite.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: That Kryptonite ring Alexander puts on halfway through the episode? Clark uses heat vision to turn the Kryptonite black and cause the two Lexes to merge back together.
  • Large Ham: Michael Rosenbaum clearly had a ball playing Alexander.
    Alexander: [to Clark] Oh, you don't get it, do you? I AM THE REAL LEX!
  • Laughably Evil: He may be Lex's evil side, but Alexander is fun to watch at times.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Alexander comments to the Kents, "I am the villan of this story."
  • Mythology Gag:
    • Alexander's Kryptonite ring which, in the comics continuity, is responsible for Lex's Kryptonite cancer.
    • Near the end, Alexander recites a quote taken from Batman: The Dark Knight Returns.
      Alexander: I want you to remember this day, Clark. I want you to remember that, despite all your amazing powers, there was one man that beat you.
  • Other Me Annoys Me: Alexander despises his "good" half for being weak and locks him up in the Luthor Mansion's wine cellar.
    Lex: You can't keep me locked down here forever.
    Alexander: Why? No one heard our screams when we were a child; no one will hear yours now. Just like in that Dumas story. It was always one of our favorites, wasn't it? King Louis XIV imprisons his twin brother in the Bastille, forcing him to live out his final days behind an iron mask. [...] See, most people think Louis did it to hide his brother's true identity, but we know better. He did it because he couldn't stand looking at such a pale reflection of his own greatness.
  • Sealed Good in a Can: Alexander imprisons Lex in the Luthor Mansion cellar.
  • Take Over the World:
    Martha: What do you want?
    Alexander: The world, Mrs. Kent. And your son is gonna help me bring it to its knees.
  • "They Still Belong to Us" Lecture: Alexander forces Lionel into a fencing match and gets him to admit he hasn't quite turned over a new leaf.
    Lionel: I've changed. People change.
    Alexander: No, they don't; they just get soft like you. [Beat] All right, Dad, I'll let you have your little blue-plate charity soiree. I'll even make a generous contribution.
    Lionel: And what would I have to do in exchange for this contribution, hmm?
    Alexander: I want you to prove you're still worthy to be my father.
    Lionel: Are you insane?
    Alexander: No. Just curious. [they start fencing] [...] Is your miraculous transformation into the man in the white suit genuine, or is it all just an act? [...] Do you even know the answer to that question, or have you been too afraid to ask? What's inside you, Dad? Is it really just puppies and hugs now, or is there something else twisting in your gut, squirming to be free again? [Lionel becomes enraged and bests Lex] I knew you were in there somewhere, Father.
  • Villain of the Week: Alexander, Lex's unleashed evil half.
