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Recap / Shinrai: Broken Beyond Despair

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A summary of the events in Shinrai: Broken Beyond Despair. Be warned: all spoilers, including the culprit's identity, are unmarked!

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    Prologue: The Black Cat and the Red Bird 
The game begins wth Raiko Shinpuku, the protagonist, trying on a cat costume at her mother Rihatsu's request and refusing to wear it. The game is set on October 30, 2010, and Raiko is going to a Halloween party held by her friends. After Raiko changes into her ordinary clothes, she meets her long-time best friend Nobara Akadori downstairs, and the latter's father Henjin drives them to the party.

    Chapter I: Relaxation 
On the drive over, Raiko and Nobara discuss the party with Henjin. The two girls' mutual friend Rie Miyamoto is hosting the party at her father's mountain resort, and no adult chaperones will be present.

Raiko and Nobara arrive at the front, where Rie greets them, dressed in a zombie costume and soaked with fake blood. Rie's friend Runa Hikari comes out and politely greets Raiko and Nobara before ushering them inside. Raiko observes that while Runa seems like a polite rich girl and Rie seems to be of more modest means, it's actually the opposite; Rie's family is wealthy while Runa's is poor.

Rie's party has ten guests in all, and she has an ulterior motive- winning over Taiko Kikai, the boy she likes. Unfortunately, she realizes that all the fake blood on herself is counterproductive, and she goes to wash herself off, handing Raiko and Nobara a map of the resort before they go.

Runa leads Raiko and Nobara to the dining hall on the first floor, telling them about the resort as she goes. As they are walking, Mika Tamashii ambushes them with the intent of scaring Raiko, but fails.

The girls arrive in the dining hall, where Momoko "Momo" Mori, a relatively shy and introverted girl, greets Raiko and Nobara. Momoko is wearing a bloodstained kimono that matches Runa's, and mentions that she invited Runa to play the part of her twin, since the two are playing twins from a video game. Runa forgot to bring the green wigs to complete the costume, but Momoko reassures her that it's fine.

Momoko's boyfriend Hiro Shiratake, who has a reputation for being arrogant, flirts with her, while Momoko's best friend Kamen Eiga notes that she is "sexy." Kamen passive-aggressively warns Hiro not to cheat on Momoko, then makes snide remarks about Raiko.

While the group is talking, Kotoba Gaikoku comes over and tries hitting on Raiko, earning him a smack from Mika. Even his best friend Taiko admits he deserves it. Runa suggests that Raiko take a look around while waiting for Rie to get out of the shower. After a few optional scenes, Rie returns.

    Chapter II: Trepidation 
The party guests watch a horror movie as part of Rie's plan to win Taiko over. Rie tells Runa she's a bit disappointed, and Runa reassures her that she can still succeed, then deflects Rie's attempt to express concern for her. After Runa leaves, Rie tells Nobara and Raiko that Runa has feelings with Hiro, so she was worried Runa would be uncomfortable seeing Hiro with Momoko.

Hiro then walks over and claims that Rie forgot to unlock the restrooms. Rie hands Hiro the keys, and after he leaves, tells Nobara that she locked all the rooms that they wouldn't be using on her father's request.

After Hiro returns, Rie announces the main event, then leaves to set things up. While she's gone, Hiro, wanting to scare Raiko, tells a scary story. The story is about a girl who was so possessive of her boyfriend that she caused him to break up with her, resulting in her stabbing him and hanging herself before becoming a ghost and causing possessive girlfriends to be Driven to Suicide. Most of the guests are unimpressed, and while Momoko claims it was scary, Hiro passive-aggressively accuses her of being just like the girl in the story. A heated argument ensues, until Kamen drags Momoko away.

Most of the guests are appalled by Hiro's behavior, but Runa suggests that there is some truth to what Hiro is saying about Momoko . Shortly thereafter, the power goes out, leaving the dining hall in complete darkness. Kotoba trips and falls, apparently injuring himself. Rie comes back, confused as to what is going on, and asks Raiko and Nobara to turn the breaker back on.

Raiko leads a terrified Nobara to the breaker room, explaining that Rie is behind the power outage. Rie blew out the candles in the hall, albeit taking one with her to see in the dark, turned off the breakers and took a shortcut back to the guests.

Raiko turns on the breaker, at which point Mika reveals herself in an attempt to scare Raiko. The three start to head back, but then hear Kamen screaming. They rush to the second floor and find Kamen, Runa and Hiro outside a guest room, with Momoko hanging from a noose.

    Chapter III: Isolation 
Raiko and the others stand there, horrified and speechless, until Kamen breaks the silence by suggesting that Momoko might still be alive. Hiro then orders Raiko and the others to call an ambulance and get Rie. Since her cell phone has no reception out in the mountains, Raiko races to the reception to get a phone.

On the way there, Raiko encounters Rie, who is unaware of Momoko hanging herself and dismisses it as a joke. Raiko is horrified to find that the phone line has been cut and Rie is equally shocked. As they are about to look for another phone in Rie's father's office, Mika says, with uncharacteristic gravity that it's too late and Momoko is dead. Mika had taken Runa to the bathroom before coming to get Raiko and the others.

Raiko returns to the second floor and finds Kamen overcome by grief. There is a "Happy Halloween" sign on the door, which confuses Rie. Kamen tells the others that Hiro is still inside with Momoko's body, although she believes that he's happy Momoko is dead.

As Raiko and the others prepare to call the police and their parents, the power goes out again. Rie admits to causing the previous power outage but denies being behind this one. Raiko, Nobara and Rie set out to turn the power back on, leaving Kamen and Hiro behind at Kamen's request.

Rie is unable to open the door to the breaker room despite trying all her keys. After recalling how all the unused rooms should be locked, Raiko finds it strange that the room where Momoko hanged herself was not locked. According to Rie, Momoko was in the dining hall for most of the evening but ran off by herself during the power outage. Raiko and the others aren't sure what to make of Momoko's actions but decide restoring power takes priority.

Raiko's group heads outside in hopes of entering the breaker room through the window, but they discover that the window is locked from the inside, meaning someone is in the breaker room. Rie and Nobara start to panic, but Raiko tells them to get a hold of themselves and meet up with the others.

The three return to the dining hall and fill Taiko in on the situation. They learn that Kotoba has gone missing. Kotoba's fall during the power outage was apparently a ruse to get pity from one of the girls, and he later left while insisting that Taiko stay behind for Raiko and Nobara. The others conclude that Kotoba is most likely the one responsible for the current power outage.

Rie and Taiko leave to get Kotoba, and while they're gone, Raiko concludes that it is unlikely that Kotoba was the only one behind the strange occurrences. Rie and Taiko return, with their attempts to convince Kotoba to open the door having ended in failure. Taiko concludes that it's unlike Kotoba to go this far for a prank, or to not respond after being told about Momoko's suicide.

The conversation turns to Momoko's death, specifically whether it was truly a suicide or if she was murdered. Taiko pulls Raiko aside and finds that they both suspect that Momoko was murdered. They then decide to question everyone else in the dining room- Nobara, Rie, Runa and Mika.

Taiko admits to being frustrated by Kotoba's antics but believes in his friend. He also reveals that while Kotoba is a pervert, he has genuine feelings for Momoko and despises Hiro for reasons unrelated to him being in a relationship with Momoko.

Runa testifies that during the blackout, Mika went off by herself. Momoko left some time later, with Kamen, Runa and Hiro following her. They went upstairs knowing that Raiko and Nobara were downstairs, but could not move quickly due to the darkness, and Runa fell behind because of her kimono. Runa also recalls that there was some friction between herself and Momoko, and that Momoko would have been broken if Hiro and/or Kamen had betrayed her.

Rie reveals that the first blackout was part of a murder prank she planned to play on the guests, something Hiro chastises her for. Unfortunately for Rie, Momoko's suicide happened before Rie could stage Runa's "murder." Kamen overheard Runa and Rie talking about their plans for their prank a week before the party and demanded to be let in on them, becoming familiar with their plans and the resort.

Rie blames herself for what happened and regrets inviting Momo. Taiko manages to get Rie to admit that Runa still loves Hiro. Runa has been in love with Hiro since he saved her after her bike accident at the start of September, and he apparently reciprocated that love until he suddenly lost interest in her. At the end of September, Momoko made a name for herself with her performance in the cultural festival and Hiro became infatuated with her. Despite Runa's insistence she was over Hiro, Rie believed that seeing Hiro and Momoko together would cause her pain, but invited them at Runa's insistence.

Runa says she wanted to invite Momoko and Hiro because they're her friends and Kamen wouldn't have come without Momoko. Runa is shocked when Raiko and Taiko admit to knowing about her feelings for Hiro, but insists she's over them. Runa denies hating Momoko, and says she agreed to the matching cosplay in order to befriend her, becoming increasingly defensive.

Mika confirms what Raiko knows- that she was the first to leave the dining hall and took Raiko and Nobara by surprise after the breakers were turned on.

Nobara has an alibi due to being with Raiko all the time, so Raiko instead checks up on her. Nobara breaks down in tears in her sadness and fear, and Raiko comforts her.

With the questioning over, Raiko considers the possibility that Runa was murdered and has four suspects- Mika and the four who ran after Momoko.

    Chapter IV: Conflagration 
Raiko and Taiko are hesitant to share their murder theories with the others. Runa insists that they leave the investigation to the police and focus on restoring the power to call the authorities and their parents.

Taiko suggests finding Runa and Kamen, at which point Runa pointedly asks if he wants to compare their version of the events to hers, as well as whether he suspects her of the murder. Rie is shocked to hear that Taiko believes that Runa might be a killer, and refuses to believe it.

Raiko, meanwhile, suspects Hiro. Out of the four people, he seems most suspicious due to ordering everyone around after Momoko's death and telling the story that led to their argument. He also likely knew about Rie's prank if Momoko told Kamen and Kamen told him, and obtained the keys from Rie.

Runa goes to the bathroom, and Rie, Raiko and Nobara follow her, leaving Mika with Taiko in the dining hall. Despite being angry with Taiko, Rie admits Taiko is right and that one of them might be a murderer. They then decide to leave Runa alone for the moment and go find Hiro and Kamen.

The three struggle to find the room until they see the "Happy Halloween" sign. Once inside, they witness a horrific sight- Kamen apparently stabbing Hiro to death before fleeing out the window. Raiko pursues Kamen out the window with the same rope she used to descend. Kamen escapes, however, and Nobara and Rie catch up with Raiko on the ground, scolding her for her recklessness. The three of them return inside, confident that Kamen could not have gotten far.

The three encounter Runa, who is unaware of what has happened but claims that the room with Momoko's body was locked. They decide not to tell her about Hiro's death at the moment.

The group goes upstairs and unlocks the door with the "Happy Halloween" sign, only to discover that Momoko and Hiro's bodies have vanished. Rie and Nobara are confused, but Raiko begins to understand what is going on.

The three meet up with Runa, Taiko and Mika, and break the news about Hiro's death. They find the mystery of the vanishing bodies perplexing, and Raiko is surprised when Rie mentions that Hiro never even screamed as he was murdered.

Raiko's thoughts are interrupted as the group notices someone banging and calling for help- Kotoba. They race to the breaker room and find that he's trapped inside and the room is on fire. Rie and Taiko put aside their differences and work together to extinguish the fire. If the player makes the right choices, Kotoba will survive but be in critical condition, but otherwise, he will die.

With the fire extinguished and the power back on, the group prepares to call an ambulance, but first, there's the matter of Kamen, whom Raiko realizes is the prime suspect. Upon hearing her scream, the survivors go upstairs, back to the guest room, and find Kamen outside the room, with Hiro and Momoko's bodies inside.

Raiko investigates the room. Once she is finished, she declares that she has solved the mystery.

    Chapter V: Revelation 
The survivors reunite in the dining hall. Kamen denies responsibility for the murders, but a furious Taiko demands that she confess, and the others appear convinced of her guilt. Raiko, however, insists that the others calm down, since they're only scaring Kamen.

At this point, the player can get one of five endings.
  1. If Raiko agrees that Kamen is a murderer, she will be arrested for the murders and taken into custody, never forgiving Raiko or the others.
  2. If Raiko accuses Hiro of Kamen's murder, she will conclude that Hiro killed Kamen and that Momoko killed him and Kotoba in revenge. Like in the above ending, Kamen is cleared of suspicion and never forgives Raiko.
  3. If Raiko accuses Runa of the murders, she will be taken into custody, but cleared of suspicion when it is confirmed that the victim's blood was not found on her kimono. As a result, Runa, Rie and Kamen never speak to Raiko again.
  4. If Raiko accuses the wrong person of being the mastermind behind the murder plot, Taiko and the others will no longer listen to her.
  5. If Raiko correctly identifies the mastermind, the player gets the good ending.

Raiko reveals the truth behind the crime- that Momoko's death was a suicide and she was responsible for killing Hiro and possibly Kotoba. Such an elaborate plan was impossible to carry out by herself, so she had accomplices- namely, Kamen and the two victims.
Kamen confesses that after overhearing Rie's plans for the fake murder prank, she leaked the information to Momoko. Two days later, Momoko proposed a counter-prank to Kamen, offering to include Hiro on her plan. Kamen had her reservations, but couldn't say no to Momoko, never realizing that her best friend was plotting murder.

Taiko remains unconvinced, but Raiko calls him out on how he has no evidence, and demands that he apologize. Taiko calms down and apologizes, and while he still isn't fully convinced, he offers to listen to Raiko.

Raiko then explains how the murder was committed. During the blackout, Momoko ran to guest room #209, stood on the glass table and pretended to hang herself, with Kotoba pretending to fall in order to keep some of her pursuers occupied. Her accomplices Kamen and Hiro stood in the doorway to prevent anyone from noticing, and Hiro ordered Raiko to call an ambulance to get her out of the way. Kamen then falsely reported Momoko's death to distract the others, while Kotoba caused the second power outage, jamming the lock to keep the others out. Around this time, Momoko stabbed Hiro in the chest with a hidden knife, killing him. She then used Kamen's witch hat and cape to disguise herself as Kamen and stabbed Hiro in front of Rie, Raiko and Nobara to create witnesses. She descended outside with the rope around her kimono, then returned to switch the Happy Halloween sign to the neighboring room. Inside the breaker room, Momoko knocked Kotoba unconscious and set the room on fire to create a distraction. Momoko climbed back up to the second floor, called Kamen to room #209 and hanged herself.

Taiko, finally convinced of the truth, admits defeat. Kamen, overjoyed, throws her arms around Raiko and calls her by her first name for the first time.

Kamen then lays out the events leading to the murder plot. She reveals that Momoko had not intended to kill Kotoba, but had to dispose of him to remove a loose end. Because Kotoba had stalked her, she didn't feel bad about killing him. Instead, her primary target had been Hiro.

Shortly after learning that Runa's family was poor, Hiro dumped her and moved on to Momoko, who'd become famous at their school. Not only did Momoko and Hiro often argue, but Hiro never cared for Momoko, and asked Kamen out weeks later. Kamen refused him and tried to warn Momoko, who refused to believe Kamen and threatened to end their friendship if Kamen persisted. When Momoko saw that Hiro had sent Kamen texts, she snapped and committed herself to her revenge plot. Kamen reveals that there's no truth to Momoko's suspicions that Kamen wanted Hiro- in fact, Kamen was in love with Momoko- but believes that not telling her that led to the tragedy.

    Epilogue: The Cornered Fox and the Endangered Flower 
Several days after the murders, Raiko visits her sister's grave. Raiko's older sister Reiko died four years ago and Raiko blames herself for her death. Raiko laments that people are unwilling to listen to others, resulting in miscommunications that lead to tragedy.

Raiko meets with Nobara outside the cemetery, and they talk about their friends. What happened to Kotoba is weighing on Taiko's mind, while Rie is looking ahead to the next party and Runa has found herself a boyfriend. Raiko is pleased to hear the news, but is most worried about Kamen despite her former animosity toward Raiko.

Mika then tries to take Raiko by surprise again, and Kamen arrives with her. Kamen thanks Raiko again, apologizes to her for how she treated Raiko all this time and expresses a desire to be friends with her. Before leaving, Kamen plants a kiss on Raiko's cheek, which Raiko's mother witnesses. Raiko flees with Nobara in tow, and the game ends.
