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Recap / Seijuu Sentai Gingaman Ep 6

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The Gingamen's camping trip with Yuuta and the Starbeasts gets interrupted when Sambash's new Majin releases a toxic gas heal Daitanix.

Episode Tropes:

  • Camping Episode: The Gingamen and Yuuta camp near the Starbeasts' resting grounds for the first half of the episode.
  • Godzilla Threshold: Sambash brings out Tagredor, whose toxic gas can poison even the Balban Space Pirates, in a desperate attempt to heal Daitanix after the fallout of the Kiba Blade incident.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: To save everyone from Tagredor, the Starbeasts sacrifice themselves by releasing all their energy to neutralize the toxic gas.
  • Taken for Granite: The Starbeasts turn to stone after using all their power to neutralize Tagredor's toxic gas.
  • Worf Had the Flu: Tagredor couldn't produce his gas properly due to an antidote spray Bucrates used on the ship. Once he got it out of his system, Tagredor could spray his gas properly.
