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Recap / Saint Seiya Sanctuary Arc

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Saint Seiya : the Sanctuary Arc

(Episodes 1-73)

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    Season 1 

  1. Revive! Legendary Hero note 
  2. Burn! Pegasus Meteor Fist! note 
  3. Cygnus! Warrior of the Ice Fields note 
  4. Dragon! The Invincible Fist and Shield note 
  5. Miraculous Revival! Cosmo of Friendship note 
  6. Phoenix! The Warrior who saw Hell note 
  7. Stolen! The Gold Cloth note 
  8. Defeat Them! The Black Phoenix Army note 
  9. Formidable Enemies! The Black Four Appear note 
  10. Beware Shiryu! The Cemetery of Cloths note 
  11. Life and Death Struggle! The Terrifying Black Death Fist note 
  12. Catch! Nebula Chain of Friendship note 
  13. Burn Up! A Single Flaming Attack note 
  14. Defeated! The Demon Illusion Fist note 
  15. Revealed Now! The Enigma of Ikki note 

    Season 2 

  1. A Giant! The Fierce Attack of Docrates note 
  2. Rescue! Saori’s Crisis note 
  3. Rampage! The Ghost Saints of the Caribbean note 
  4. Life or Death! Bloody Battle at the Island of Hell note 
  5. Fighting Furiously! Shaina’s Revenge note 
  6. Cold-Hearted! The Aurora Confrontation note 
  7. Flaming Rebirth! Ikki the Immortal note 
  8. Silver Saint! The Proud Assassin note 
  9. Fly, Pegasus! Like a Comet note 
  10. Fight! Under Athena’s Guidance note 
  11. Friend or Foe! The Steel Saints note 
  12. Seiya Turns to Stone! The Shield of Medusa note 
  13. Dragon! The Sacrificial Blow note 

    Season 3 

  1. Kidnapped! The Crow Army Attacks Saorinote 
  2. Burn! Cosmo of Love note 
  3. Devil Illusion! Deadline of Life and Death note 
  4. Great Explosion! Death Queen Island note 
  5. Dragon and Tiger Clash! The Tears of the Light-Deprived Dragon note 
  6. Farewell, Friend! Rest in Peace note 
  7. Desperate Journey! Dragon, Open your Eyes! note 
  8. Surprise! The Twelve Gold Cloths note 
  9. The Mask Cries Out! Love or Death? note 
  10. Clash! Gold Saint note 
  11. Speed of Light! The Strong Fist Faster than the Speed of Sound note 
  12. Let’s Go! Our Departure note 
  13. Great Battle at the Sanctuary! Athena’s Greatest Crisis note 

    Season 4 

  1. The Ultimate Cosmo! Seven Senses
  2. Big Bang! Battle at the Golden Bull Temple
  3. Gemini! The Maze of Light and Darkness
  4. Horror! Adrift in Another Dimension
  5. Cry Out! The Nebula Chain that combines Attack and Defense
  6. Farewell, Hyoga! Sleep, O Brave One
  7. Dragon! Revive from the Land of the Dead
  8. Love! Shunrei’s Prayers
  9. Arise, Dragon! Shiryu’s Angry Cosmo
  10. Why! The Gold Lion Showed His Fangs
  11. Arles! The Legendary Imperial Satanic Illusion
  12. He’s a Man! Cassios Dies for Love
  13. Ikki! The Phoenix’s Clipped Wings
  14. Bonds of Friendship! Athena’s Cry
  15. Shaka! The Man Closest to a God
  16. The Terror of Nothingness! Shaka Opened His Eyes
  17. Heroic! Ikki Died For Friendship
  18. Revive Cygnus! With Life, Death and Love
  19. Hyoga Revives! I’ll Put my Life on the Line
  20. Surrender or Death! As Long as I Still Have These Wings
  21. Forge Ahead Hyoga! The Proud Hero
  22. Resound! The Gold Cloths of the Sanctuary
  23. Young Men! I Entrust Athena to You
  24. The Holy Sword Roars! Shura vs Dragon
  25. Ah Shiryu! Become a Star and Vanish
  26. Farewell! My teacher, my friends
  27. Warrior of Beauty! Aphrodite
  28. Demon Roses! Sweet Fragrance of Death
  29. Rest in Peace! Shun’s Last Smile
  30. The Fire Clock Extinguishes! The True Face of the Pope
  31. Go Seiya! Get Over the Death of Friends
  32. Gather, Friends! Under Athena’s Guidance
