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Recap / Rampage (2009)

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First Movie

Bill Williamson is a 23-year old mechanic living in Tenderville, Oregon who did not go to college and only makes meager money while at home he angrily works out to build muscle and listens to messages and philosophies stressing the importance of curbing human population numbers as to spare the earth's natural resources of exhaustion. He lives with his parents Alan and Sarah who pester him to move out, even offering him money for a new apartment. Regardless, Bill feels more comfortable staying with them. Bill when ordering coffee has not gotten exactly what he wanted, demands a refund (or a do-over coffee) but the barista contemptuously refuses either of those things, leading to a heated argument where they scream at each other and the barista throws a roll at Bill. Bill goes to have lunch at the Chicken Den with his best friend Evan but the waitress accidentally spills Bill's food. Bill demands his money back, but the waitress insists he accept a re-do order of food. When the food comes in, Bill and Evan have a chat about environment with Evan protesting that people burn too many fossil fuels and cut down too many trees to make money. Bill argues that people need to make money, and rebuffs Evan drives a car himself and wouldn't want to be poor either. Bill heads to work for his usual cacophonous work as an auto-mechanic. The supervisor Jim starts complaining to him about going off-schedule, then Bill asks for a raise, but his request is turned down.

Angry with all the greed surrounding him, Bill Williamson dons a Kevlar mask and suit and goes on a rampage. He shoots down the Chicken Den waitress, the coffee barista, nearly a hundred random civilians out on open streets, two police officers who attempted to curb his rampage, the town's local police station, eats a sandwich and rudely interferes with a bingo game at an elderly home, robs a bank killing half the people inside after they tried but failed in intervening on his robbery by force then makes the bank owner at gunpoint to empty the bank's entire cash assets into a bag. Before he goes to drive away, Bill burns fake money he printed out at home in front of the witnesses in the bank while lecturing to them that money is the cause of all problems that humans face and that they're just using money for "senseless shit".

Bill then kills Evan and dresses him up to frame Evan as the serial killer before departing and disappearing. He returns home right before his parents come home from work and pretends like he doesn't have any knowledge of the chaotic news on TV his parents are worrying over. The movie ends with Bill eagerly counting his money as while Evan's father Lloyd is apprehended by the police as a POI. Bill releases another video online stating that he's about to go into hiding but indicates he may surface again one day to re-start his rampage. The movie ends with him packing his belongings and the cash he robbed from the bank into a suitcase as he prepares to run away from home.

Capital Punishment

Bill resurfaces 2 years after the events of the first movie and goes on another killing spree. He sees a homeless man who is mourning his also homeless friend's sudden, unexpected death. Bill chastises the remaining homeless guy that it was his fault for not doing something to save his friend and asks "When are you going to get off your ass and do something?" Bill heads on to a TV news station, which is being run by Chip Parker - a sanctimonious and arrogant news reporter who complains to his producer Andy about the incompetence of his employees.

Bill blows up his car with explosives outside the news station before coming inside and slaughters most of the news crew. Bill rounds up Chip and the 12 remaining crew members (while forcing Andy to stay behind) and leads them into the basement room Stage 4. There, Bill makes Chip as uncomfortable as possible by forcing Chip to sit in a chair and make everyone else sit on the floor. Bill kills one of his hostages for sitting in a chair as punishment for ignoring his directions. Andy calls the cops, and the SWAT Team arrives.

Bill orders Chip to play a message on his CD nationwide on the news station's broadcast. Afterwards, Bill states they will have an interview live. Chip then meets with the SWAT Team commander and he tells the leader everything Bill wants him to do. The SWAT commander tells Chip to firmly do as Bill states, but while running to get the CD played Chip trips and he breaks the CD in half. Chip panics and the SWAT commander instructs he go tell Bill about this. When Chip does, Bill starts lashing out but then gives a him a copy CD when he made it look like he was going to execute Chip. Chip heads on to Andy to play the CD. Bill in the meantime toys with his hostages, killing one for wearing yoga pants (Bill strongly hates yoga) and he forces a hostage to relentlessly beat up another.

In that CD, Bill urges that the American people must rise up against the elite wealthy as well as the government. As Chip proceeds to go with the interview, the SWAT commander manages to get Bill's father Alan on the phone and sends in an armed agent to shoot Bill while he's talking to his father. Chip strongly advises that the agent must not do so, but regardless the commander forces him to comply with this risky scheme. Bill is given the phone and talks to his father who tries appealing to him to drop the hostage crisis and come home. Then, when Bill asks for mom to get on the phone as well, Alan breaks down the news that his mother passed away from a car crash caused by an antidepressant she was taking when she fell into depression over Bill's running away from home. Her last words as she was in the hospital were "Where's Bill?" Bill shoots the agent sent to kill him (he figured the agent's purpose through a surveillance camera he installed), then cuts off the phone call with his dad (who heard the gunshot). Bill punches Chip in the face in retaliation, and sets off explosives when SWAT men try to infiltrate the room killing all of them off.

Bill angrily throws a tantrum and decides that maybe the interview won't happen and he just execute all the hostages. Chip screams to Bill that the interview can and must commence. Bill relents and goes on with the interview, criticizing Chip for helping spew government-controlled lies to the public and that the government doesn't really do anything for the people other than steal their money, force them to create industries that do harm to the environment and create global warming thus harming the planet. Chip counter-argues that Bill has become too distrusting of politicians because political topics do not have an immediate easy solution as Bill thinks. Chip states he believes politicians are not corrupt, they're just imperfect and divided by disagreement. Bill counter-reacts that politicians regardless are still too greedy and focused on making their own money to care for the middle and working class, and that if the American people can't make enough money, the politicians will just steal from foreign countries.

At the conclusion of the interview, Bill gives up keeping the people hostage and shoots Chip in the shoulder and instructs the hostages to flee so that the SWAT team can engage him in battle. Bill escapes through a tunnel as while setting off a bomb that destroys the entire news station, killing the SWAT team and Chip. Bill is believed to have died in the explosion as well, although he actually survived without a scratch and that he faked his own death.

Bill is then seen at a cafe catching a young girl with a book (Catching the Wolf of Wall Street). Bill claims that books are bullshit, gives the girl a gun and orders her to shoot her parents and then herself.

President Down

Bill sneaks into Washington D.C. carrying a sniper rifle and kills the President and Vice President of the United States and the Secretary of Defense. The FBI deduces that the shooter made the assassinations 1.2 miles from the White House on 7th Avenue on top of a parkade. Bill in the meantime is living with his girlfriend and his newborn baby son Billy. As Bill anticipates the FBI will figure out he was the murderer sooner or later, Bill desperately uploads his last videos upon the Internet encouraging his followers to revolt against economic/income inequality, climate change and its deniers and the rich and powerful who steal and monopolize resources.

The United States suspects it's the terrorist organization ISIS (with ISIS even making claims that they made the assassinations) and the U.S. in retaliation fired nuclear weapons onto the Middle East (China and Russia supported the American attacks), Islamophobia is distributed as the Department of Homeland Security shuts down all Muslim mosques and the U.S. military starts rounding up Muslim Americans sending them to detention camps. World War 3 may have happened.

FBI agent Vincent, using a Facial Recognition Software, is able to (correctly) figure out that Bill Williamson is the shooter as Bill was in Washington DC during the shooting and used a train to both arrive and depart. Bill hacks into the FBI's computer system stealing their data and killing their headquarters power, but it fails to hinder the FBI's work to track him down. Molokai also urges his authorities to understand that Bill killed the President, not ISIS so as to reverse the anti-Muslim campaign happening in the United States, but Molokai is unsuccessful because his authorities are still convinced ISIS did so.

With the help of a spy drone, Vincent catches Bill and finds out where Bill is hiding out. However, Bill sends a video to Vincent and Molokai that he knows all their personal information including their families and addresses. Vincent after having an anger meltdown announces he will get Bill.

Bill orders Crystal and Billy to run off while he stays behind and battles the FBI and police, despite Crystal's pleas that Bill should join them in running. Crystal runs off with Billy to safety as while Bill engages in a heated battle with the FBI led by Vincent and Molokai. Bill kills off every single officer and agent in the manhunt for him, but Vincent successfully shoots Bill multiple times. Bill lies against a tree to die peacefully as he watches Molokai die with him.

While Crystal is mourning, she watches the DVD video Bill left behind for her. The news reporters alert that thousands of mass shootings are happening in which anarchists influenced by Bill are revolting against the powerful and wealthy decision-makers and elite richest 1 percent. The homeless man whom Bill met back in Capital Punishment has become an anarchist and mass shooter just like Bill and shoots the news reporters dead, live on TV.
