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Recap / Power Rangers Megaforce S1E6 Harmony and Dizcord

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  • Dreadful Musician: Dizchord, who fancies himself the greatest rockstar in the universe, but just plain sucks. He even weaponizes Suckiness Is Painful.
  • Ironic Echo: When Dizchord starts attacking the city with his cacophonic music, Emma says "What is that horrible sound?!". The exact same question is asked by Dizchord himself later when he hears Emma singing, which weakens him enough for the Rangers to defeat him.
  • Missing Mom: Emma speaks of her mother in a way that seems to imply this.
  • Musical Assassin: The monster Dizchord can use music as a weapon, which is extremely agonizing. Emma uses her singing combined with one of Troy's cards to counter it and beat him.
