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Recap / Power Rangers Lost Galaxy S1E44 Journey's End Part 2

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As Trakeena's Stingwingers bomb all of Terra Venture, the Rangers must try to protect as many people as they can. Villimax, however, seems to have his reservations about Trakeena's plans.


  • Alas, Poor Villain: Villimax's death at the hands of his own student, Trakeena. He also seems to care for her a lot, as he can't bring himself to hurt her.
  • Bad Boss: Trakkena sinks to this low thanks to her corruption by Deviot. Not only is she indifferent to the mass destruction of her army but, once Villimax makes it clear he will not shoot down the ships leaving Terra Venture, she brutally beats up and then kills him, mocking him all the while.
  • Cliffhanger: Even though the Scorpion Stinger has been brought down, Trakkena declares she's not done yet, with the episode ending with her making her way to the Cocoon.
  • Idiot Ball: The Rangers decide to take on a bunch of suicide-bombing Stingwingers in melee combat, which obviously ends with them getting overpowered. Damon is an exception to this, as he safely engages them at range with his blaster.
  • Last Villain Stand: By the end of the episode Trakeena has lost her army, her loyal dragon, and even her flagship thanks to her unrelenting assault. However she declares that she isn't finished yet and heads to the cocoon to complete her metamorphosis for her final battle against the Rangers.
  • Mook Depletion: Thanks to their suicide bomber tactics, and the Rangers putting up a good fight, Trakeena losses her entire Stingwinger army destroying Terra Venture and the two Megazords.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: The Stingwinger assault is so bad that, for the first time in Power Rangers history, we see Megazords deployed to fight Mooks. The closest to that before was when the original rangers sent the Dinozords in to battle Lord Zedd's first monster, but it immediately froze the smaller ones and took control of the bigger ones.
  • Pyrrhic Victory: While Trakeena's plan to swarm Terra Venture with suicide bombers succeeds in destroying two of the Rangers remaining Megazords and cripples the colony it also costs her all of her Stingwingers and leaves her vulnerable to attack by the Astro Megaship.
  • Self-Destruct Mechanism: The Rangers engage one on the Astro Megaship in order to take down Trakeena's ship.
  • Shooting the Swarm: When trying to hold back the large swarm of Stingwingers, Centaurus fires his laser gun at them, but fails to hit anything since the Stingwingers are too tiny.
  • Sink The Life Boats: Trakeena orders Villamax to do this to the ships being used to evacuate Terra Venture. When he refuses and she kills him, she attempts to do it herself, but this gave the Rangers enough time to attack the Scorpion Stinger head-on with the Megaship.
  • Spanner in the Works: Villamax ends up unexpectedly turning the tide of battle for the Rangers when he refuses to fire on the ships leaving Terra Venture as the people on board are not his foes. For his "insolence" Trakeena attacks, and eventually, kills him but this buys just enough time for the Rangers to get within range and blow up the Scorpion Stinger with the Astro Megaship.
  • Suicide Attack: All the Stingwingers perform one, and cause massive damage to Terra Venture.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome:
    • The Megazords are built to fight giant monsters and while the Centaurus and Stratoforce Megazords are able to hold off the Stingwingers, the swarm of smaller and faster targets proves too much leading to them being covered and destroyed by the suicide bombing Mooks.
    • Power Rangers villains typically have a supply of Mooks that never seems to run out. When Trakeena uses her entire army as suicide bombers, especially when she uses a large number of them to destroy two Megazords, she depletes her ranks in a single episode.
  • Zerg Rush: Hundreds of Stingwingers overwhelm and eventually destroy the Centaurus and Stratoforce Megazords.
