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Recap / Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue S1E1 Operation Lightspeed

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A group of travelers accidentally unleash Demons from captivity. However, a government function led by Captain William Mitchell has prepared for this and recruits a team together to become Lightspeed Rescue Power Rangers.

Tropes in this episode include:

  • Breaking Old Trends: Three of them in fact!
    • First, these are the first powers that are entirely manmade. Previous powers were either magical gifts or have ambiguous origin, but Lightspeed is entirely a manmade operations.
    • Second, this is the first series without any connection to previous series overtly. Essentially opening the new trend to make every ranger series more stand alone.
    • And third, the series subverts the Secret Identity trope. In their first fight, the 5 morph in plain sight of bystanders. Thus making this the first ranger team whose identities are public knowledge from the start, which makes sense when you consider that, unlike the previous seasons, all of the new Rangers are celebrated individuals in their areas of expertise.
  • Call-Back: Like "Day of the Dumpster", the villains were released from their prison by curious bystanders. Also, the would-be Rangers didn't want any part of this, except for the would-be Red Ranger who's the first to accept.
  • Feet-First Introduction: Dana is introduced with a brief focus of her shoes as she walks into the meeting room and inform her father of the demons' return.
  • Foreshadowing: At the end of the episode, Captain Mitchell reveals he knows what Diabolico looks like. Exactly how he knows this doesn't get revealed for a good twenty episodes.
  • The Men in Black: Captain Mitchell dispatches two Dark Suits to summon Joel, Kelsey, Chad and Carter into the Lightspeed Aquabase.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • The three nomads can only watch and gasp in shock after they inadvertently release the villains from the Tomb of Forever.
    • Carter has a brief panic when he sees Ghouligan for the first time as he rescues a child from a burning building.
  • Refusal of the Call: Joel's response to being summoned and learning about the demons is outrage, and dismissing Captain Mitchell as nuts.
  • Starter Villain: The monster the team faces, Ghouligan. They assume he was Diabolico, not realising the Big Bad probably isn't going to go down after a five-minute fist-fight.
  • Totally Radical: Kelsey shows a few signs of this. Saying that taking a submarine is "Excellent" and that the interior of the Aquabase is cool.
  • Wham Shot: For Dana. After the Rescue Morphers are passed out to the four recruits, she's surprised to see there's a fifth morpher, which Captain Mitchell reveals is for her, having spent many years training her for this moment.
  • What Does This Button Do?: When Joel enters the Aquabase for the first time, he presses some buttons and accidentally sets off the base's alarm. Unamused by this, Dana glares at him and shuts off the alarm.
