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Recap / Power Rangers Dino Fury Episode Twenty Waking Nightmares

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The Rangers track the energy source of some new Dino Keys to another planet, but the portal is only strong enough to allow Zayto through, and once there he's attacked by... his former teammates?


  • Back from the Dead: Boomtower gets a res thanks to Reaghoul.
  • Broken Record: The spectres of the former Rangers can only repeat their last words to Zayto and Aiyon.
  • Imagine Spot: Mucus daydreams about what would happen if she pulls the Sporix device lever. The audience is clued in that something funny's going on when Void Knight declares it's making her the coolest being ever. Turns out Mucus has zoned out while standing by the lever.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: The baddies listen in on Dr. Akana's demonstration to the Rangers, which clues Void Knight in on using the Morphin Grid instead of the Sporix.
  • Pyrrhic Victory: More details on just what went down with the old Dino Fury team. Turns out they formed their Primal Ultrazord... which proved to be too powerful, overloading, exploding, and killing the other Rangers.
  • Secret Test of Character: The Ranger ghosts are the creations of the planet's guardian, who wants to see if Zayto and Aiyon are on the level. Which they are. Once it's satisfied, it gets rid of the ghosts and shows Aiyon to where the Zords are.
  • Shoo Out the Clowns: Zigzagged. An episode dealing with, among other things, Zayto and Aiyon suffering from recurring nightmares and survivors' guilt. Jane and J-Borg are a total no-show. However, the bad guys get a few silly moments of their own.
  • Unrealistic Black Hole: The power of the new Zords allows Aiyon to summon one. Handy for cleaning up pockets of invisible explosive gas, and getting rid of Boomtower... again.
