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Recap / Pokemon EA 40 Taking Flight For An Aerial Fight

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After Spitfire returns, Flash finally faces her in a Gym Battle to earn his sixth Gym Badge.

  • And the Adventure Continues: Flash defeats Spitfire and earns his sixth badge, and Spitfire tells them that Hoofington City will have a torunament called the Hoofington Battle Tournament in a few days. Flash and his friends, joined by Rainbow and Fluttershy, decide to fly to Hoofington City and participate in the torunament.
  • Always Someone Better: Spitfire is revealed to have a Flitanium, and it is noted to be stronger than Doc's.
  • Double Knockout: The battle between Skyler and Spitfire's Tornavian ends in a tie, with Skyler fainting first before Tornavian is taken out by its poisoned status.
  • Mirror Match: Skyler faces Spitfire's Tornavian, his final evolution. Though Skyler can't quite win the battle, he manages to deal Tornavian enough damage for Viper's poison to finish it, ending the battle in a draw.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: When everyone comments on how powerful Hopper's Dragon Tail was despite Hopper not being a Dragon-type and therefore the move not having STAB, it is explained that Skeidran have the ability "Dragon Heart", which increases the power of any Dragon-type move the user wields.
    Cloud: That's why Skeidran are considered one of the strongest Dragon-types, even if it isn't one. It has all of their strengths and none of their weaknesses.
  • Rocket Jump: Flash has Viper chase after Flitanium by using Flamethrower on the ground to launch himself into the air.
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: When Flash has Vpper launch himself into the air by using Flamethrower on the ground, Flash's friends are the only ones not shocked by this, since they have gotten used to Flash pulling off insane things like this.
