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Recap / Pokemon EA 32 I Dream A Dream

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After finally leaving the Grand Desert, Flash and his friends stop at a nearby town to relax, but soon find that a Pokémon is turning every dream in town into a nightmare, and must help Professor Luna stop it.

  • Absurd Phobia: When Tantabagot turns Flash's dream into a nightmare, it turns all the Legendary Pokémon he and Springer had just defeated into giant sock puppet versions of themselves, completely terrifying Flash.
  • Brick Joke: Flash's fear of sock puppets. At the end of the chapter, some kids made sock puppets of the gang's Pokémon as a thank you gift, and while the others find them cute Flash just runs away screaming.
  • "Everybody Laughs" Ending: At the end of the chapter when Flash runs away from the sock puppets made for them by some grateful kids, everyone stares in confusion for a moment before breaking out in laughter.
  • Evil Counterpart: Tantabagot is one for Slumberam. They are both evolved forms of Lallaby and can enter dreams, but while Slumbram helps others face their fears, Tantabagot turns dreams into nightmares to power itself. The official Pokedex entries for them in the author's blog also says that Lallaby will evolve into one of them based on its friendship stat, evolving into Slumberam if it is high or Tantabagot if it is low.
  • Flat "What": This is Luna's reaction when she sees Tantabagot turn all the Legendary Pokémon in Flash's dream into sock puppet versions of themselves.
  • Fusion Dance: Riptide, Prongs, and Viper all combine together during the Shared Dream to create a centaur-like being with all their abilities.
  • Old Shame: In-universe example; In Doc's nightmare created by Tantabgot, he is attacked by every single failed invention of his, merged into one and after revenge.
  • Shared Dream: Realizing that Tantagot can just escape into another dream each time Luna and Slumberam confront it, Slumberam creates one giant shared dream among the whole town to limit its options and prevent it from running away again.
  • Took a Level in Badass:
    • Luna's Lallaby is revealed to have evolved into a Slumberam, allowing it to enter the dreams of other's and help them overcome their fears.
    • Invoked during the Shared Dream against Tantabagot, with everyone thinking of anything they can to use against Tantabagot. Some of this includes Peewee growing to be the size of a Charizard, various other Pokémon turning into their evolved forms or Mega Evolutions, a Tyranitar turning into a mecha version of itself, and Flash using Aura Sphere alongside Springer.
  • Whole-Plot Reference: This chapter is heavily influenced by the episode "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep", with the gang helping Luna stop a creature that can enter dreams and turn them into nightmares, culminating in a giant Shared Dream.
