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Recap / Phineas And Ferb Phineas And Ferb Interrupted

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Candace has convince Mom to watch Phineas and Ferb all day, but they were accidentally hit by a Dull-And-Boring-Inator made by Dr. Doofenshmirtz, so the kids try to help them get their creativity back.

Meanwhile, Perry rebuilds the ray into a Dynamic-Inator to try and fix his owners' creative side, but Dr. Doofenshmirtz thinks he wants to help him become more interesting.

Tropes present:

  • Actually Quite Catchy: Security footage shows Doof singing Perry's theme song.
  • All for Nothing: Subverted. Perry finishes building the Dynamic-Inator, but a fight with Doof ignites, firing the inator and missing Phineas and Ferb before it is destroyed. But then Phineas and Ferb revert back to normal on their own, implying the effects of the Dull-And-Boring-Inator were only temporary.
  • Cat Fight: When Isabella and Baljeet briefly quibble, Buford says, "Reow! Cat fight!" But, of course, this being Buford, he doesn't understand that a cat fight is often between two girls.
  • Celebratory Body Tossing: The gang throw Phineas and Ferb in a giant blueprint during the "Blueprints" song.
  • Distant Duet: “Blueprints” is sung in two places, one by Baljeet, Buford, Isabella and Candace, and the other by Doofenshmirtz.
  • Face–Heel Turn: Doofenshmirtz thinks Perry has decided to switch sides and help Doofenshmirtz when he builds the Dynamic-Inator.
  • Here We Go Again!: When Perry sees Dynamic Linda singing a song about snacks and Buford remarks Linda's been hit by a Dynamic Ray, he rushes back to Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. in order to rebuild the Dull-And-Boring-Inator yet again, since he never saw that the effects of Doof's previous inator wear off eventually.
    Doofenshmirtz: Really?
  • Heroic Willpower: While attempting to build a small rocket in an attempt to revive the boys' creativity, Candace accidentally gets her foot stuck to the rocket and launches into the sky. When the rocket starts to run out of fuel, Isabella tells them that they are Candace's only hope. Her speech is able to restore their creativity, and they build a slide to save Candace.
  • Incredibly Lame Fun: Getting hit with the Dull-and-Boring-Inator causes Phineas and Ferb to enjoy things like watching grass grow, paint dry, and golf on television.
  • "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: Isabella pulls one on Phineas and Ferb, convincing them to return to their real selves so they can save Candace.
  • In Medias Res: The episode begins with Perry already having defeated Doofenshmirtz. As such, Carl appears but not Major Monogram.
  • Like an Old Married Couple: When Perry refuses to give Doofenshmirtz the remote to the Dynamic-Inator, Doofenshmirtz likens them to an old married couple fighting over the remote.
    Doofenshmirtz: (Laughs, then gets serious) It's not cute!
  • Mind-Control Eyes: Baljeet and Buford get these when being mesmerized by Phineas’ rather dull lecture.
  • Mundane Made Awesome: Linda's song after being hit with the Dynamic-Inator, a short lively number about going inside and eating snacks.
  • My God, You Are Serious!: Isabella is caught off guard by Phineas' response to "What'cha doin'?" being "Watching grass grow", that she asks it again, and Phineas elaborates by spewing facts about grass growth.
  • Never Say "Die": When Candace is in a holding pattern, Baljeet assures everyone the fuel will run out in the rocket she is attached to. But when Isabella and Buford look at him, he then realizes, "Ohh... And she will plummet to...", but falls short of saying, "her death".
  • Noodle Implements: Whatever musical number Doofenshmirtz performed to explain why he built the Dull-And-Boring-Inator, it involved an elaborate ballroom staircase complete with dozens of gown-dressed women.
  • Not Himself: Isabella is confused when Phineas and Ferb claim they're watching grass grow.
  • Oh, Crap!: Perry's reaction upon seeing Boring!Phineas and Boring!Ferb when Buford remarks that it's like they've been hit by a Dull and Boring Ray.
  • Orphaned Punchline: "...and that, in a nutshell, is the history of checkers. But it's far from the first board game."
  • Running Gag: When Candace ends up on the slide, "Gotta Make Summer Last", which was used in similar sequences in "Leave the Busting to Us!" and "That Sinking Feeling", plays again.
  • Shout-Out:
  • Singing in the Shower: Technically, the bathroom, but the security footage culled by the O.W.C.A. includes a brief clip of Doofenshmirtz in a towel singing the Perry the Platypus theme song.
  • Sand In My Eyes: When Perry finds Doofenshmirtz sitting on the floor, the latter claims he wasn't crying over Perry destroying his Dull-And-Boring-Inator.
  • Speak in Unison: Right after Phineas wonders where Perry is, he immediately arrives, and everyone, except Ferb, says, "Oh, there you are, Perry!"
  • Subverted Catchphrase: As soon as the effects of the Dull-and-Boring-inator wear off, Phineas says, "I know what we should've done today!"
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Carl appears in this episode, but not Monogram.
