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Recap / Peeking Through The Fourth Wall Episode 19

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This time, the people who will be reading the fanfic are Lincoln, Lisa, Luan, Lynn, and Lana. They are going to be reading Snowmageddon and it's by the same author who called half of the sisters nice and the other half mean. Lincoln tells a curious Lynn and Lana that Lynn was designated mean, while Lana was designated nice. Lynn points out that Lana let El Diablo eat all her protein bars, but Lana points out that Lynn also called El Diablo stupid. Lincoln tells them that it doesn't matter as the nice/mean dichotomy was in the past, and he starts the fic.

It opens on a snowy day in Royal Woods, and it shows fanfic Lincoln at home drinking cocoa. He explains that "a certain ponytail-wearing sister of [his]" spoils winter every year. Lynn and Luan on the couch start arguing until fanfic Lincoln reveals that the winter-spoiler is Luan, who pulls snow pranks every year that give them frostbite (even though, as the real Lisa points out, frostbite usually necessitates amputation so he's likely exaggerating) which she calls "Snowmageddon".

The real Luan says that she doesn't do this, and even if she did, she'd think of a better name, like Nuclear Winter. We get a flashback sequence that shows fanfic Luan trapping the twins with snow (and making up a "no snow in your pants" rule) and hurting Lynn with potatoes under the snow (which causes a conversation on the couch about potatoes and the ice puns remind Lincoln of Batman and Robin, which Luan says she prefers to other Batman works, causing some nerds outside to get angry).

Fanfic Lincoln then reveals that all his other sisters hid away at the retirement home with Albert, then Luan appears on a computer screen to gloat. Over at the retirement home, the girls are drinking hot chocolate and then it's revealed that they forgot about Lincoln. They suddenly remember and freak out, and Luna has Leni call Lincoln. Thankfully, he's hiding out in his room with supplies, but the girls decide to come rescue him anyway... However, they decide to have a cookie first.

At noon, fanfic Lincoln leaves his room, then falls downstairs because of ice on the stairs. Fanfic Luan skates up and reveals that she's set up thirteen other pranks. Still in the story, Lynn Sr. and Rita grab Lincoln, tie him up, and reveal that they thought he was an impostor until he convinces them otherwise. The parents reveal that Luan snowballed them and they're hiding. They try to convince Lincoln to hide too but he insists on stopping Luan.

Fanfic Lincoln goes into the kitchen and a block of ice launches from the freezer and knocks his tooth out. He then goes to the thermostat and warms up the stairs, melting the ice, and goes back up them. Fanfic Luan opens a safe and presses a button that activates something with glowing red eyes in Lisa and Lily's room. This confuses the real Louds so much that they play the question game again.

Back at the retirement home, the other sisters have apparently forgotten about Lincoln again and are in a hot tub with Albert. Fanfic Lisa reveals that she lent Luan her robot, Robot Todd, and "may have" reprogrammed him. They run back to save Lincoln, only to get trapped in a rope trap.

Back at the Loud house, fanfic Lincoln has ticked off most of the pranks, only to find Robot Todd... who has a buzzsaw attached. Robot Todd chases Lincoln with snowballs, claiming he wants to obliterate him, and Lincoln hides in Lisa's bunker. He then emerges with a stun baton and a flare gun.

At the retirement home, fanfic Lana manages to free herself by gnawing through her ropes, though it takes an hour. Then, she takes out a dagger and frees everyone else.

Fanfic Lincoln manages to defeat Robot Todd by electrocuting him, and at the retirement home, Leni goes to check for booby traps, meanwhile Lily finds a button that traps her and the others in a net. Fanfic Leni follows some signs that point to "freedom".

At the Loud house, fanfic Luan has somehow produced two smaller, more dangerous robots that chase Lincoln with saws. Thankfully, he throws their blades at them, killing them. He then pretends to surrender, and puts snow on Luan's butt. The parents show up and declare Snowmageddon over and Rita chews Luan out. Only then, it seems, does she realise how dangerous the prank was, so she apologises.

The real Luan points out that while she does take it up to eleven on April Fool's, she's never endangered anyone. Meanwhile, fanfic Lincoln forgives Luan and they go to the spa to warm up and find Leni, who followed the signs there. Fanfic Lincoln calls Lori "the Lori", causing the real Lynn to imagine Lori and Carol as wrestlers. Then, fanfic Luan reveals she pulls one last prank: she filled Vanzilla's airbag with snow. The fanfic ends with Luan being punished with snowballs.

The real Louds point out that fanfic Luan got off too easy, then they go out for ice cream.

This episode provides examples of

  • Adaptational Dumbass: Downplayed for the sisters except for fanfic Luan. While not idiots, they seem to be strangely forgetful and forget about Lincoln multiple times in a row, with Lisa even forgetting that she let Luan borrow Robot Todd.
  • Adaptational Jerkass:
    • The fanfic sisters (minus Luan) forget about their brother several times and prioritise cookies over him.
    • Fanfic Lisa lets Luan borrow Robot Todd to use for Snowmageddon and sells Lincoln out for a textbook.
    • Fanfic Luan nearly kills Lincoln with Robot Todd.
  • Adaptation Personality Change: Apparently, fanfic Lincoln's the bravest in his family, whereas canonically, some of his sisters like Lynn are probably braver than him.
  • Afraid of Needles: Lana shouts and hides away at the mere mention of getting a shot.
  • Artistic License – Biology: Lincoln claims Lynn doesn't need empty calories as she's an athlete. In reality, if you're very active, you do need calories lest you become emaciated.
  • Borrowed Catchphrase: Fanfic Lola says, "This is totes bad", even though, as the real Lana points out, "totes" is more what Leni says.
  • Brother–Sister Incest: Joked about when Luan says, "Couldn't pass up the chance to get your hands on my butt, could you, Linc?". Lincoln is thoroughly grossed out.
  • Character Exaggeration: Luan is a prankster who sometimes goes next-level. Fanfic Luan nearly kills Lincoln with her pranks.
  • Continuity Nod: The siblings play the question game like they did in Episode 10.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Fanfic Luan somehow prepared for the situation of her sisters running away to the retirement home, forgetting about Lincoln, and coming back for him.
  • Death Glare: Fanfic Rita glares at Lynn Sr. for his "You'll get iced" line, then again at the reveal that he teamed up with Luan once in exchange for a prank-free decade.
  • Easily Forgiven: Fanfic Lincoln forgives Luan for nearly killing him almost instantly. Not only that, but she escapes her grounding just by promising to not do it again.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Luan says that she does go overboard on April Fool's but would never do a prank that endangers someone's life.
  • Evil Laugh: Fanfic Luan laughs evilly when she activates Robot Todd.
  • Fantasy Sequence: Lynn imagines Lori and Carol as wrestlers after fanfic Lincoln calls Lori "the Lori".
  • Flash Back: Towards the beginning of the fic, we get a flashback of Luan's winter pranks.
  • Forgetful Jones: All of the fanfic sisters except for Luan keep forgetting about Lincoln, and Lisa forgets letting Luan borrow Robot Todd.
  • Heh Heh, You Said "X": Lana bursts out laughing when Lynn says, "Did she just pull them out of her butt?".
  • Hypocrite:
    • Fanfic Lincoln calls out Luan for reusing jokes, but then steals a joke from Lynn Sr.
    • Fanfic Luan calls Lincoln rude, even though she's not only pranked him but almost killed him.
  • Idiot Ball: The fanfic sisters forget their own brother while staying at the retirement home. Several times in fact.
  • Immediate Self-Contradiction: Fanfic Lincoln claims that snowy days are fun at the Loud house, then he adds that, all because of Luan, they aren't fun.
  • Lame Pun Reaction: Fanfic Rita glares at Lynn Sr. for making an ice pun.
  • Medium Awareness: Fanfic Lincoln acknowledges the montage as such.
  • Out of Character: All of fanfic Lincoln's sisters seem to be less caring towards him, especially Luan (who also throws a tantrum when her prank doesn't go as expected).
  • Plot Hole: The fanfic has a lot of characters knowing about things they really shouldn't know. For instance, Lori makes a reference to something Luan said when she didn't hear her.
  • Pun:
    • Fanfic Luan says, "You snow the drill!", "It sled you to the wrong conclusion", "Have an ice day", "There's snow way out" (twice), "A chip off the old block" (about Lincoln's chipped tooth being knocked out), "It'll ice Lincoln for good", "How Rudolph you to say that", and "As it snow happens, they're gonna get a cold surprise".
    • The real Luan says, "I thought they were just giving you the cold shoulder".
    • Fanfic Lynn Sr. says, "It's a suicide mission! You'll get iced!".
    • Fanfic Lincoln says that he will "ice" Luan.
    • Fanfic Robot Todd says, "Namaste! You're gonna be iced!".
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Fanfic Rita gives Luan an angry tongue lashing for almost killing Lincoln.
    Fic!Rita: I'm very disappointed in you, young lady. I mean, you almost got your brother killed. He could've been in the hospital. You were so worried about your pranks, that you don't care about your family's saftey. You're the one who allow yourself to be isane [sic] with your pranking.
  • Say My Name: Towards the end, fanfic Luan's siblings angrily shout her name because of her pranks.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Ice puns remind Lincoln of Batman & Robin.
    • When fanfic Lincoln calls Luan an evil enchantress, the real Lana says that if you look into her eyes, she'll put you in trances, which is a lyric from a My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic song.
    • Lana says, "If you give a Loud a cookie, she'll want a hot tub to go with it", which is a reference to If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.
    • Luan says, "Exterminate!", which is something the Daleks in Doctor Who say.
    • Lynn says a line from the Nostalgia Critic: "Am I on Mars? Tell me I'm on Mars!"
  • Skinny Dipping: Fanfic Albert sits in his hot tub with no trunks, much to the disgust of both fanfic Lynn and the real Louds.
  • Slippery Slope Fallacy: Discussed when fanfic Luan says, "That's a slippery slope" about her pranks, and Lisa replies that it isn't; a slippery slope is a fallacy asserting that an inconsequential event will result in a chain of events that will end in disaster.
  • Staircase Tumble: Fanfic Luan's first prank is ice on the stairs, making Lincoln fall.
  • Toilet Humour:
    • Lana says she likes getting snow in her pants, especially when it melts and gets into her butt crack.
    • Luan apparently wore diapers while doing a thirty-six-hour stakeout at least once.
  • Torches and Pitchforks: When Luan says she prefers Batman and Robin to other Batman works, a group of comic book nerds arrives holding angry signs, pitchforks, torches, and burning effigies of Luan.
  • Vulgar Humour: When fanfic Lincoln puts snow on Luan's butt, the real Luan makes a joke about Lincoln wanting to touch her butt.
