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Recap / Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt

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This is the Recap page for Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt.

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    Season 1 
  1. Episode 1
    1. "Excretion Without Honor and Humanity"
    2. "Death Race 2010"
  2. Episode 2
    1. "The Turmoil of the Beehive"
    2. "Sex and the Daten City"
  3. Episode 3
    1. "Catfight Club"
    2. "Pulp Addiction"
  4. Episode 4
    1. "The Diet Syndrome"
    2. "High School Nudical"
  5. Episode 5
    1. "Raiders of the Nasal Dark"
    2. "Vomiting Point"
  6. Episode 6
    1. "Les Diaboliques"
  7. Episode 7
    1. "Trans-homers"
    2. "The Stripping"
  8. Episode 8
    1. "...Of the Dead"
    2. "1 Angry Ghost"
  9. Episode 9
    1. "If the Angels Wore Swimsuits"
    2. "Ghost: The Phantom of Daten City"
  10. Episode 10
    1. "Inner Brief"
    2. "Chuck to the Future"
    3. "Chuck to the Future: Part 2"
    4. "Chuck to the Future: Part 3"
    5. "HELP! We Are Angels"
  11. Episode 11
    1. "Once Upon a Time in Garterbelt"
    2. "Nothing to Room"
  12. Episode 12
    1. "D.C. Confidential"
    2. "Panty + Brief"
  13. Episode 13
    1. "Bitch Girls"
    2. "Bitch Girls: 2 Bitch"

  • Panty & Stocking in Sanitarybox
    1. "Heroine Interview"
    2. "Geek of the Dead"
    3. "Map of the Daten City"
    4. "Chuck to the Future: Part 4"
    5. "Brothers of the Roundhead"
    6. "District B"
    7. "The Bad Hairdresser's Wife"
    8. "Bitch Flash"
