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Recap / Ookamikakushi S 1 E 2 Brother Sister

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Over dinner, Masaki enthusiastically tells Hiroshi and Mana that in olden days the people of Jōga worshipped the wolves who dwelled in the surrounding mountains. Hiroshi interrupts him, but his father counters with a local children's song of demons roaming the streets by moonlight, and that those who are eaten by the demons become dogs. Outside, the blood-red moon shines down as a shadowy figure leaves a bust of a wolf's head and a hassaku orange atop a post.

Cue opening theme.

At school the following day, Isuzu hooks her arm around Hiroshi's, making him uncomfortable. When he asks if she thinks she's being too clingy, Isuzu laughs him off. Hiroshi takes the opportunity to ask her if she thinks Ogasawara's transfer was a bit too sudden, remarking that he didn't mention leaving or say goodbye, but is shushed by Isuzu, wearing an unusually serious expression on her face. The moment passes as Isuzu remarks that family issues must have come up, and chides Hiroshi for prying. Later in class, Hiroshi finds his desk swarmed by the other students, but Isuzu forces her way to the front of the pack and scolds them for crowding him before hugging his neck. Hiroshi takes the opportunity to bring up the folklore his father mentioned, but the students - other than Kaname - express a sudden lack of interest and disperse when Nemuru arrives. Isuzu and Nemuru have a brief standoff regarding the former's proximity to Hiroshi, until Isuzu reluctantly backs down and goes to her seat.

After school, Isuzu meets with Nemuru in an empty classroom and asks why she wanted to meet. Nemuru responds that Isuzu knows why and asks she not speak of the matter to anyone, outraging her. The two get into an argument, after which Isuzu storms out of the room. In the classroom, Kaname and Hiroshi discuss the Jōga wolves, with the former stating that - with the extinction of the Japanese Wolf, it would be amazing if an endemic species still existed. When Hiroshi admits he only heard a little about them from his father, Kaname scolds him for his lack of knowledge, revealing a keen interest in the occult. Kaname laments that none of the other students are interested in mysterious events, expressing the same sentiments towards Ogasawara's disappearance that Hiroshi had earlier, remarking that the same thing had happened earlier with another student.

While walking home, Kaname asks Isuzu what Nemuru wanted, but Izuzu lies and tells her it was to discuss the upcoming Hassaku Festival. When Isuzu asks if they want to go visit the sweet shops again, Kaname says she was hoping to meet Hiroshi's father in order to discuss Jōga's folklore. A car pulls over and a young man with sandy blond hair leans out and asks Isuzu if she's going home. As Isuzu runs to greet the man, Kaname tells the confused Hiroshi that he is Isuzu's older brother, Issei. A young woman gets out of Issei's car and thanks him for the ride home, and when Isuzu asks him if she's his girlfriend Issei says she's just an underclassman. Hiroshi introduces himself to Issei, and he, Kaname, and Isuzu all pile into Issei's car. Issei remarks that Hiroshi is all his sister can talk about, adding that he can see why she's so infatuated. Kaname notes that Hiroshi has Issei's seal of approval, wondering exactly what about him is so attractive to everyone.

At Hiroshi's apartment, Kaname is delighted to meet Masaki, whose books she's familiar with. Issei reveals he's also read Masaki's books, and remarks that Masaki is popular amongst several students at the university. Kaname asks Masaki what he knows about the Jōga wolves, and Masaki recounts that based on eyewitness accounts the wolves are almost human-sized, which is why zoologists refuse to acknowledge their existence. Masaki states that, taking into account Jōga's wolf-centered folklore and traditions, the Jōga wolves certainly once existed in the area. Issei and Kaname support his theory, but Isuzu remains quiet and pensive. Late in the evening, Issei, Isuzu, and Kaname leave, with Masaki saying they're welcome back any time. As they drive Kaname home, Issei and Isuzu discuss Hiroshi, with Issei saying he has so few objections with Hiroshi's presence that it troubles him.

The next day, Isuzu explains to Hiroshi about the preparations for the Hassaku Festival, how wishes are written on a sheet of paper wrapped around an orange, and the ones collected will have their wish come true. Isuzu admits to Kaname that there are too few oranges this season so colored balls had to be substituted. Hiroshi returns home to find his father and sister chatting with Issei. Isuzu arrives and scolds Issei for not asking her permission to visit. Masaki remarks that Issei shared a lot of information on Jōga's traditions, and Maya expresses admiration before lamenting her own brother's lack of maturity. As Mana and Isuzu bicker over Hiroshi's qualities, Issei chides Mana and drapes his shoulder across Hiroshi before a jealous Isuzu pulls them apart. Issei tells Masaki that his family has lived in Jōga's old town for generations but recently moved to the new town. Issei, Masaki, and Mana leave to examine Masaki's collection of books, and Isuzu and Hiroshi sit on the couch discussing Issei. Hiroshi expresses admiration, but Isuzu morosely remarks that she's afraid that his popularity will mean he'll someday leave her. She then uses Hiroshi's concern as an opportunity to cozy up to him, hugging his arm against her chest. Hiroshi recoils from her, causing her to take a more seductive approach before a sudden gust of wind ruins the moment.

Later that night, Issei and Isuzu take a stroll around the apartments, and Issei pokes fun at her budding romance. Mana tells Hiroshi that Issei invited her on a trip on the next holiday and begrudgingly extends an invitation to him as well. Later still, a young woman flees through the alleys, pursued by the red-eyed masked figures. She is cornered and confronted by the scythe-wielding girl, who coldly states that the fallen wolves must be purged before killing her. In an apartment, a man sits, drinking a bottle of beer and reminiscing about when he found his fiancee brutally murdered.

Cue end credits.

  • Ambiguously Bi: Issei's interactions with his underclassman are flirtatious and it's mentioned he's had girlfriends in the past, but his interactions with Hiroshi are increasingly laden with homoerotic subtext.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: At school and around her brother, Isuzu latches onto Hiroshi and chases away anyone who tries to get near him, to the point where Kaname remarks she's being a bit of a hypocrite.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: Mana remarks that she's more mature than her elder brother, and ends up acting like the older sibling as a result.
  • Marshmallow Hell: It may not be his face, but Isuzu smushes Hiroshi's arm between her breasts when trying to cuddle, which he expresses discomfort with.
  • Luminescent Blush: The normally brash Maya is reduced to blushing and stammering with Issei compliments her appearance.
  • Paralyzing Fear of Sexuality: Given his severe discomfort towards Isuzu's displays of affection, Hiroshi suffers from herbivore syndrome.
  • Precocious Crush: Mana develops one on Issei, blushing and stammering at his complements and displaying a softer side towards him that she never shows her own brother.
  • Serious Business: Kaname takes occult and folkloric matters very seriously, and chews Hiroshi out on not paying more attention to what his father had to say about the Jōga wolves.
  • Tsundere: Mana is extremely condescending towards her brother, as usual, but betrays a softer side towards Issei.
