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Recap / Numberjacks Audio Story E 4 Party Animals

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The second of three stories, to be narrated by Seven.

It's a quiet day in the Numberjack's sofa. Three is a little bored, and decides to irritate Four, but is summoned to the control room, where Five is looking at a screen. She is on a call, but soon realises it's not from an agent, but rather an animal, similar to a horse, with one horn in her head: a unicorn. Three is shocked at the unicorn's existence. Five wants to help the unicorn. She needs a job, and wants to be an entertainer at children's parties. The unicorn doesn't know any children, but the Numberjacks know loads of children. It's a surreal request, but the Numberjacks agree to help.

Five flies out to help the unicorn. The unicorn wants to be special, but Five points out that a unicorn at a children's party is pretty amazing. The unicorn however needs to do something, but cannot sing, dance or make animals out of balloons. Agent 46 makes a link between unicorn and unicycle. The unicycle is hard to ride, but with lots of practise, the unicorn soon nails it. She proves very popular at parties for children who are one year old.

Soon, Three gets a call from a triceratops: a dinasour with three horns. Like the unicorn, Three is amazed that he isn't extinct. It turns out the triceratops is indeed friends with the unicorn, and wants to become a children's entertainer. Three flies out to help the triceratops. She asks what he can do, and the triceratops points out that he can eat plants, but Three knows that wouldn't be very entertaining. She asks the agents for help, and an agent suggests he plays the triangle, which has three corners. By tying the triangle to the horn on the end of his nose, and holding the stick in his mouth, the triceratops soon masters the instrument. He becomes especially popular at parties for three-year-olds.

Then, Four gets a call from an octopus: a creature with eight arms called tentacles. Four is surprised he's not in the sea. Unsurprisingly, he's friends with the unicorn and the triceratops. The octopus is the third animal wanting to be a children's party entertainer. He thinks he could make animals out of balloons with his eight tentacles, but this doesn't sound special enough for an octopus. An agent suggests that the octopus sings a scale of notes: eight notes. The octopus' octave becomes an unusual hit, especially at parties for eight-year-olds.

Finally, Six gets a call from a real agent. An agent has a friend who's having a birthday party, and she's looking for a very unusual entertainer. Six is confident they could help if this girl was one, three or eight years old, but this girl is twelve. Another agent thinks they can do it, if the special entertainers get together. The octopus with eight tentacles, the triceratops with three horns and the unicorn with one horn make twelve altogether. Six gets the animals together, and the twelve-year-old has the best party ever, with the octopus singing octaves, the triceratops playing his triangle and the unicorn riding the unicycle.

Seven gives the viewer a challenge: if unicycle is the word for a cycle with one wheel, what is the word for a cycle with two wheels, or three wheels?

This episode provides examples of:

  • Innocently Insensitive: Three accidentally offends the unicorn, by asking if her species are meant to be extinct.
