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Recap / Numberjacks Audio Story E 2 Penny Gain

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Three is playing with a beautiful thing, and Four is not very interested. Three gloats that he wishes he could have it, and Four assumes Three's given him rights to it. Three panicks that Four's got one of her beautiful things, and she's got none. Four gives it back, and Three is relieved; Four wasn't as fond of it anyway.

The alarm rings, and Agent 11 is worried a boy is going to lose some money. Five and Six fly out to help the boy look after it.

They land near a fair, and see the boy walking towards it, with one shiny penny to spend. A man is selling pies, and the boy asks to taste his 'wares'. This word sounds familiar to Six.

An agent explains that wares, are the proudct being sold (in this case, pies). Simon needs some money to buy a pie. Five points out Simon has a penny to show the pie man, but then the Numbertaker shows up.

The Numbertaker steals Simon's penny, and Simon doesn't know where it's gone. Simon tells the pie man he doesn't have any pennies, and the pie man has already heard this from loads of people. Agent 11 gets the numberjacks to take the penny away from the Numbertaker, and give it back to Simon.

Three sends brain gain, and Five takes one penny away from the Numbertaker, and gives it back to Simon. But the Numbertaker soon takes it away, and the pie man gets impatient. They try again, but the Numbertaker takes the penny away again. Loads of children arrive, and point out the Numbertaker took their money away. The Numberjacks get everyone's pennies back from the Numbertaker, and Simon has so much money, he buys pies for everyone. The Numbertaker leaves, and everyone has the pies they wanted. The pie man's business has been successful.

Five and Six return home, and sing 'Simple Simon', the nursery rhyme of the episode. Four and Three challenge the viewer to look at their toys: What do they have lots of, and what do they have many of?

This episode provides examples of

  • Tempting Fate: Five believes Simon will be able to show the pie man a penny, just as the Numbertaker takes it.
