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Recap / New Series Adventures Big Bang Generation

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An all-new Doctor Who novel, written by Gary Russell, and starring the Twelfth Doctor... and Professor Bernice Summerfield!

This novel contains examples of:

  • Adventurer Archaeologist: Benny, true to form.
  • The Bus Came Back: Benny. Also Keri, from the Doctor Who New Adventures novel Legacy.
  • The Con: Posing as a master conman, the Doctor claims to have sold the Sydney Opera House to five different people. The actual conman he's talking to doesn't believe a word.
  • Continuity Cavalcade: When Bernice is hit by Chronon energy, the Doctor sees the faces of a lot of companions - Clara Oswald, Amy Pond, Rory Williams, River Song, Wilfred Mott, Donna Noble, Martha Jones, Jack Harkness, Mickey Smith, Rose Tyler, Cinder, Molly O'Sullivan, Tamsin Drew, Lucie Miller, C'rizz, Charlotte Pollard, Samson Griffin, Gemma Griffin, Mary Shelley, Grace Holloway, Ace McShane, Hex, Mel Bush, Evelyn Smythe, and Susan. Note that almost half of these are companions from Big Finish Doctor Who or novels.
  • Continuity Porn: It's a Gary Russell book. References to the Doctor's and Benny's past adventures, together and seperately, abound.
  • Incompatible Orientation: Peter keeps explaining in increasingly clear terms that Kik the Assassin "isn't his type", from pretty much the first second she sees him.
  • Noodle Incident: Keri has had an encounter with the Doctor, Sarah Jane and Luke Smith and K9.
  • Story Arc: Ostensibly part of the "Glamour Chronicles" arc with Royal Blood and Deep Time, the other two 2015 novels featuring the Twelfth Doctor. In fact, the Glamour depicted here is completely different in form and function from the Living MacGuffin of the other two books.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Bernice Summerfield is this for River Song, another archaeologist with a looooong history with the Doctor. This is because Russell originally conceived this novel as a Twelfth Doctor/River Song team-up, but that would have contradicted the events of the 2015 Christmas Episode "The Husbands of River Song", which hinges on River not even knowing the Doctor made it to that incarnation when they cross paths. Steven Moffat vetoed this, but suggested Russell rework it to feature Benny.
  • Verbal Tic: The Doctor had forgotten that Keri ends every second sentence with "...yeah?" and his easily irritated twelfth incarnation is annoyed by it.
