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Recap / My Superhero City Dont Ask Too Much Just Say Cause This Is Just A Game

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My Superhero City | Season 02, Episode 01: Don't Ask Too Much Just Say Cause This is Just A Game

Raggum:note  No need to worry your little head, toots! We'll be out of here lickety-split! Unless you've got a problem with that?
Holiday: Mahvash. I said your name just in case you specifically couldn't hear, but whatever. It gets your attention. Persons of all available squads, we have a situation. A potential reality warper has decided to... commute. With a building. I repeat, a living building. He turned the traffic into that bit from that horror movie. With the clown. You know the one. Balloons everywhere. Need assistance. He's not in my weight class.
Marky: ...Yeah, thanks Renee. Truth be told, I...just didn't know, y'know. Kinda jacked me up. How I'd deal if the actual Saint came back. Just kinda made me I didn't really matter any more. And kinda...honestly, not real. Like, I'm some kinda clone or somethin' - while he's the real deal. He's real deal, I'm not.
Mikael: First off, what are you staring at? Second off, where the fuck are we and why?
Ace of Spades: But your majesty! This girl stole your precious tarts! A crime punishable by death! Surely that demands justice!
Cole: going to blooming DIE over this.
Marky: T-This is bunk! Y-You hear me! Bunk! AS IF I'd ever dress like this! No way! No way no how! I'm...I'm buggin' out, yo! Come on, lemme bounce outta here...
Holiday: The little man's right. We should definitely, definitely run. Absolutely. Run as fast as we can. Towards the castle. Directly. And we should absolutely not do anything to our attackers. Absolutely not. Whoops, I dropped a grenade.
Raggum Fraggum: So, guess I should start from the top! Name's Raggum Fraggum, sixth-dimensional imp extraordinaire!! We're what you'd call superior beings. Case you couldn't tell, we can do just about anything we put our minds to. All we got gotta do is think or snap our fingers and POOF! There it is! ...Soon as I was there I noticed you guys, and I knew you'd give me what I've been lookin' for! So, here's how it is. You all are stuck here in this little pocket dimension I cooked up based on one of your old Earth stories, and you're all the stars! Course, it wouldn't be fair if there wasn't a way out. So all you've gotta do is either follow the story to the end or make me say my name backwards, and you're home free. But until then, you've all gotta stick to the script! Or at least the plot. Cause if you don't...
Iris: Dammitdammitdammit! Uhh… Children of Ahl'kuur! Protect your master's Chosen!
Emily: At least we found Mari, right? That wolf thing doesn't suit her. I've never worn a dress. Have you?
Mikael: So we either play along with your stupid fairy tale, which involves me getting vored by the Big Bad Bitch, or we somehow trick you into saying... Muggarf... Muggar? Well then. I choose option three. Go fuck yourself.
Emily: Hey, mister. Who said you could do that to us? I'd like to play along. Really, I would. But you want us to hurt each other. Mock us by making us play pretend. Why? What have we done to you? Tell us that, and maybe I'll understand. Because right now, I don't really get it. I want to get it. I want to know if that's normal. Because right now, all I know is that it's makes me upset. It makes me hate you. And I'm sorry, but I don't know if that's right or not.
Raggum: You wanna know why I'm doing this, toots? Simple. Cause it's fun! Seeing all you idjits flailin' about, trying to make sense out of all this and raging against the system in vain? It's fucking priceless! Course, when one of you peabrains forgets their place, I've still gotta put my foot down. Sometimes literally. Can't have you inferior beings gettin' any wrong ideas, ya get me?
Perry: P-Perry never get to see Mary Poppins. I live on streets. I dunno what to do. I wanna go home to Papa... You Raggum Fraggum is a meanie. Will you zap me if I do things wrong? Can I change things a bit? I wanna make my own songs...
Raggum: AND CAN YOU STOP WITH THE DAMN FOOTTAPPING?! It's like you're trying to make me say Muggraf Muggar or somethin'!
Alice: And I'd find it wise to keep tabs on that tongue of yours, imp. I am more than capable of ripping it out of your mouth if need be... I am the real Alice, and if you don't like it you can continue with your romanticized fantasies if you wish. But if you dare insult me in such a manner again, I will not hesitate in cutting you out.
Iona: I'm...I'm not a witch...!
Rudy: These folks here were basically Gaea. Nothing's gonna change, not so long as their status quo keeps gettin' defended! Why should I stay in a hero academy and slave away for their respect? I'll respect em as much as they respect me!!
Iona: Remove all mentions of metahumans from your speech, replace them with ordinary humans worried about metas ruling over them with power, and you sound just like Gaea! And I HATE GAEA! Whoever 'He' is, that you speak of like some false god, pray to him for mercy and salvation!

Tropes - Caution, unmarked spoilers

  • Back from the Dead: Despite the early end of comic books, the world knows well that this is a superhero trope.
  • The Big Bad Wolf: We call her Mari.
  • Blatant Lies: When Mikael asks Mari what she's staring at.
  • Clone Angst: Marky (SaintLad) feels he has to measure up being in the presence of the actual Saint.
  • Conditioned to Accept Horror: Iris again shows how she's changed.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: If nothing else, drooling over Mikael keeps Mari from freaking out.
  • Evil Virtues: Among other things, Iris notes that 8th dimensional beings did not talk your ear off and were polite about torture and murder. The nerve of 6th dimensional beings.
  • Flat "What": Holiday has a silent one by Raggum's first act.
  • He's Back!: AntiSaint stages a triumphant return to superheroics. Though it doesn't turn back the clock immediately, he does make waves through the world.
  • Heroic Safe Mode: Keeps Emily from exploding when she's suddenly in TV Land.
  • Horrifying the Horror: Alice breaks Raggum over a scup of tea.
  • I Am Very British: Cole is Very British, much to his chagrin. He can't even think in post-apunkalyptic. It also reminds him of his brother.
  • Instant-Win Condition: S1 escapes by Sam's foot tapping, of the IW, Holiday and Dante give Raggum a code to solve, Cole asks Raggum's help with a song, and Alice inadvertently liberates S3.
  • Noodle Incident: Being a rabbit reminds Zach of certain memories of his time with Yoko.
  • Oops! I Forgot I Was Married: Well, in Raggum-World, Iuvem and Nariko are the happy Mr. and Ms...where did Banks come from?
  • Outside-Context Problem: Wilma takes Raggum to meet the real Alice. In the real Wonderland.
  • Passing the Torch: Saint's return actually disrupts this with several of the new heroes simply falling in line behind Saint.
  • Please Put Some Clothes On: No, not Mari. Rebecca requests Mikael to finally dress up. Raggum eventually obliges her. Sort of.
  • Savage Wolves: The IW start off with arguably the most 'normal' danger, a pack of oversized very hungry for 'human', wolves.
  • Trapped in TV Land: The problem du jour. And how. Squad 1 find themselves in a "courtroom" a la Alice in Wonderland, where Ellie is expected to off heads. The IW end up well off the Yellow Brick Road in an homage to the Wizard of Oz. Squad 3, alot of Multicolored Riding Hoods, made their way to grandma's house.
  • Where I Was Born and Razed: Technically, Adana was already burning when Iona got there. But she upgraded that to erased.
  • Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?: Mikael is usually no nonsense, but one things this situation got to him. He aims his rifle at Raggum's head first chance he gets. It kinda works. Then Raggum pulls out a new head.
  • Your Terrorists Are Our Freedom Fighters: Meta Freedom burning down towns and shouting that its fighting for dignity.
