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Recap / Musical Touken Ranbu Higekiri Hizamaru Souki Shutsujin SOGA

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The first Souki performance in the series, following Higekiri and Hizamaru as they act out the famous revenge story of Soga Monogatari.

The performance first went live in 2019, and was followed up by a rerun in 2020.

  • Ambiguous Situation: The audience is thrust into the Soga Monogatari play as soon as the performance starts, with no In-Universe explanation for why it's happening.
  • Breaking Old Trends:
    • Following Kashuu's three solo performances which were mostly just concerts, this is the first series of side performances to feature a story.
    • The play is shorter than the majority of the others in the series, lasting just under two hours and including a 20-minute break for the actors in between. Word of God explains that this is because the actors had too much difficulty singing so many songs back to back without running out of breath.
    • It's the first play in the series where the Touken Danshi spend the majority of the performance out of character because they are playing characters themselves.
  • Covers Always Lie: The play isn't really about Higekiri and Hizamaru, being more about the Soga Monogatari story that they act out. The audience doesn't actually see Higekiri and Hizamaru as themselves until the Live segment in the last 40 minutes.
  • Cross-Cast Role: The Soga brothers' mother is played by a man.
  • Kabuki Theatre: The Soga Monogatari portion of the performance is in this style, from the way the characters dance, to the speech patterns, and all.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Higekiri and Hizamaru have long hair tied back in ponytails for a good portion of the main performance.
  • Nested Story: This play's plot revolves around Higekiri and Hizamaru playing the roles of the two brothers from Soga Monogatari. They spend most of the play in-character as the Soga brothers up until the second act where they go back to their normal selves but as Idol Singers.
  • Revenge: Soga Monogatari is a story about two brothers avenging their deceased father.
  • Unlimited Wardrobe: Similar to Kashuu Tanki Shutsujin, Higekiri and Hizamaru go through a bunch of costume changes over the course of the performance.
