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Recap / Murder On The Rockport Limited Chapter Seven

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"If our heroes can't stop this runaway train, I'm going to have to find a new podcast to introduce! Is Serial hiring? It's the Adventure Zone!"
The Announcer

See here for the main recap page.

In the final chapter in the Rockport Limited story arc, our heroes have little time to stop their runaway train from colliding with Neverwinter, potentially ruining some other group's D&D session. Magnus takes a tumble. Merle channels Gary Sinise. Taako does some pretty dope magical stuff.


  • Failsafe Failure: Gram tries to pull the emergency brake to stop the train...but it turns it's also magically locked to the engineer's hands.
  • Falling Damage: When the characters jump, or are pushed, off the train some of them take some negligible damage. Also Magnus nearly dies.
  • Just Think of the Potential!: Magnus protests that the Oculus’ power could be used for good which the Director quickly shuts down.
  • "Open!" Says Me: Subverted. Magnus tries to punch down an iron door. It (obviously) doesn't work.
  • Somebody Else's Problem: Clint proposes detaching the locomotive from the train and Griffin points out that while that would save everyone on board, the locomotive would still crash into Neverwinter. Justin then claims that's "some other D&D game's problem".
