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Recap / Mr. Benn

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Episode recap page for Mr. Benn

Episodes in the show’s original run

  1. “Red Knight”: Mr. Benn, dressed as a knight, finds himself in a medieval kingdom having to defend a dragon falsely accused of starting a fire.
  2. “Hunter”: Mr. Benn becomes a hunter, but can’t bring himself to hurt and of the animals he tries to hunt.
  3. “Clown”: A clown Mr. Benn must help a circus troupe repair a broken bridge so they can make it to the location of their next performance.
  4. “Balloonist”: Mr. Benn has to participate in a hot air balloon race, and contend with fellow racer Baron Burtrum’s attempts to cheat.
  5. “Wizard”: As a wizard, Mr. Benn is asked by a Queen to change her husband's appearance, feeling he is not kingly enough. However, the spells he casts do not turn out as expected, and Mr. Benn eventually convinces the Queen that how the King looks is not important.
  6. “Spaceman”: Mr. Benn becomes an astronaut, and visits several out-of-this-world locales.
  7. “Cook”: Mr. Benn finds himself once again in medieval times, now as a castle cook tasked with finding why Princess Annabelle has started refusing to eat.
  8. “Caveman”: Mr. Benn finds himself in (inexplicably dinosaur-populated) prehistoric times, and tries to deliver some modern-day wisdom to a tribe of cavemen.
  9. “Zookeeper”: Mr. Benn helps the animals in the zoo to improve their accommodation by making the townsfolk see that the cages are too small.
  10. “Diver (Frogman)”: Mr. Benn helps King Neptune and his mermaid friend outwit the crews of two submarines, who are out to find and photograph the King's pet sea monster.
  11. “Cowboy”: The Indians have always beaten the cowboys in a weekly game of hide-and-seek. When Mr. Benn joins in as the cowboy to hide, he helps the cowboys to win for the first time by exposing the very clever hiding place of the hidden Indian.
  12. “Aladdin (Magic Carpet)”: Mr. Benn helps a boy outwit an evil man, with the aid of the magic carpet that came with his costume and a little magic courtesy of a genie in a bottle.
  13. “Pirate”: Mr. Benn helps the crew of a pirate ship, who are determined not to be pirates, turn their Captain into an honest man.

One-Off Special Episode

  1. “Gladiator”: Mr. Benn is transported to Ancient Rome, where he meets his friend Smasher Lagru. But he has forgotten that prisoners are made to fight gladiators in the arena, and those who are not beaten will end up facing the lions.
