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Recap / Monty Pythons Flying Circus S 1 E 3

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Title: How to Recognise Different Types of Trees From Quite a Long Way Away

Original Airdate: 19/10/1969

Guest starring: Carol Cleveland, Donna Readingnote , Ian Davidson

It's: A program on how to recognise different types of trees from quite a long way away ("The Larch"), courtroom antics featuring Cardinal Richelieu, "Bicycle Repairman", inappropriate children's stories, the Restaurant Sketch ("The Dirty Fork"), a seduced milkman ("Seduced Milkman"), a kidnapped newsreader, and a man making insinuations about another man's wife ("Wink Wink Nudge Nudge").

The restaurant sketch was one of the ones recreated in the Python feature film And Now For Something Completely Different.

