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Recap / Milo Murphy's Law S1E03 "Rooting for the Enemy"

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Milo attends his first football game, which turns into an extraordinary, explosive sporting event.


  • Acquainted with Emergency Services: It's revealed that his family, mainly Milo and his father, Martin, have their own hospital suite called the "Murphy Suite".
  • Assumed Win: Normally, Milo is asked by the football coach to stay away from the football team's games because everyone is worried that Murphy's Law will cause the team to lose. However, he's allowed to attend this one because everyone believes the team is going to lose anyway, so him being there won't make a difference.
  • Comically Missing the Point: As the Geckos are losing and Bradley sarcastically asks what's different about this game than usual, Milo responds that he doesn't know, since he normally doesn't come. Subverted because Milo has a good reason to believe his bad luck isn't the reason. When allowed to come this time, he's told it's because the coach is sure the Geckos would lose either way.
  • Foreshadowing: While played for laughs, this episode introduces the concept that Murphy’s Law can be consciously utilized and even weaponized. This would go on to play a major role later in the series, and this episode even references just who would end up utilizing it later on.
  • Goofy Print Underwear: The Geckos' mascot is wearing pink polka-dot boxers under his costume. Later, a Tigers player ends up somehow in the possession of his teammate's blue polka-dot boxers, much to both the players' embarrassments.
  • Held Back in School: The Geckos' coach says the rival school intentionally did it to their best players.
  • Left the Background Music On: Melissa's joke about how the German sausages they used to sell were "the wurst" is followed by a rimshot, caused by one of the band members finding a snare drum.
  • Noodle Incident: The last football game Milo went to had a llama stampede. Later explained in "The Llama Incident."
  • Oh, Crap!: The shared collective reaction of all the opposing team members and their supporters (but not their own cheerleaders) to Milo coming to cheer for their side.
  • Pom-Pom Girl: The cheerleaders for both teams are nice and enthusiastic. The Tigers cheerleaders allow a bystander from the bleachers to dance on the field with them, and the Geckos cheerleaders visit Milo in the hospital and do a chant encouraging him to get better.
  • Refuge in Audacity: Milo helps his football team win by cheering for the opposing team which causes his bad luck to rub off to them. Milo even sings about it to the opposing team and spectators, and even got their cheerleaders to dance to the song.
  • Reverse Psychology: Milo's bad luck can apparently invoke this on reality, since cheering for his opponents cause them to lose.
  • Running Gag: Milo's bad luck causing an off-screen car crash, complete with yowling cat and clucking chicken noises.
  • Sarcasm Mode: When the Geckos seem to be losing, Milo sarcastically proclaims, "Go Tigers!" to which causes Murphy's law to have the Geckos score.
  • Ship Tease: Some have taken Bradley asking to sit by Melissa as a sign that he has a thing for her.
  • Shout-Out: After the Geckos win the game, one of the kids cheers "It's like football X-7!", a reference to the Phineas and Ferb episode "My Fair Goalie".
  • The Smurfette Principle: The Geckos have one member who is a girl.
  • Subverted Rhyme Every Occasion: When the cheerleaders visit Milo in the hospital:
    Cheerleaders: Milo, Milo, get well soon/Your presence today was very supportive!
    Cheerleader 1: ...Yeah, we wrote that one in the hall.
  • Thousand-Yard Stare: The coach says to his team that he will go into his office "staring into space" when he concedes that the Geckos will lose at the pep rally.
