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Recap / Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers S3E20 Changing of the Zords Part 2

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Thanks to their capture of Ninjor and the Falconzord, Rita and Zedd now have the ability to bring forth their very own Shogunzords! But first they'll need pilots, and who better than the Rangers themselves? To force our heroes to do their evil bidding, the Incisorator monster keeps the team busy, while the weakened and nearly powerless Kimberly is led into a trap by Katherine! Meanwhile, Lt. Stone forces Bulk and Skull to join him in staking out the park in order to prove their repeated claims of encountering monsters, or else lose their jobs!


  • Batman Gambit: To capture Kimberly, Zedd keeps the other Rangers busy with the Inciserator and then stages a Tenga attack against Katherine. Kimberly insists on going to help and ends up collapsing during the fight.
  • Berserk Button: Alpha 5 presses Zedds when he invades the Command Center:
    Lord Zedd: Oh, Alpha, you can come out of hiding.
    Alpha 5 [trembling]: I don't like you... Ed!
  • Continuity Nod: Tommy, remembering when he lost his Green Ranger powers, says he knows what Kimberly is going through.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: Rito may have suggested having the Rangers pilot the Shogunzords as a joke, but it sounded so good that Zedd decided to use the idea seriously.
  • For the Evulz: Zedd could have just issued his commands to the Rangers over the Viewing Globe, so the only real reason for him to demand access to the Command Centre is to basically rub it in their faces that he's winning.
  • Foreshadowing: When Kimberly passes out, Katherine expresses genuine concern for her, only to abruptly say different after her eyes flash red. This hints at the later reveal she's a human under a spell and not a monster in disguise.
  • I Am a Humanitarian: Implied with the Inciserator.
    "Greetings, youngsters! Care to come with me for a little bite?"
  • Inadvertent Entrance Cue: When Tommy, Rocky and Adam train in the Youth Center, Tommy angrily wonders how Zedd and Rita managed to steal Kimberly's Power Coin and in cue they are approached by Katherine.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Zedd's reaction to finally seeing the interior of the Command Center. He mockingly assess that it's not bad, though it is a little tacky. This can be seen as a Meta acknowledgement of Saban's low production values (and especially in comparison to the then-recent, higher budget version of the Command Center from The Movie).
  • Missed Him by That Much: Inciserator and then the Rangers all teleport away just before Bulk and Skull bring Stone to the park to prove that strange things are always happening around them.
  • Properly Paranoid: Inciserator bails after scoring an impressive hit on all the Rangers. Rocky and Tommy note that is not a good sign.
  • Sadistic Choice: "All right, Power Rangers, this is your dilemma. You agree to pilot my new fleet of Zords and do all my evil bidding, or you can refuse my offer, in which case we can all sit around and have a jolly time watching the Pink Ranger waste away."
  • Self-Deprecation: Once inside, Zedd describes the Command Center as "a little tacky" and in need of some redecorating.
  • Shut Up, Kirk!: After Zedd delivers his ultimatum.
    Zordon: I will never let you get away with this.
    Zedd: Save your breath, Zordon! I'm giving the commands around here.
  • Troll: Since the boys are trying to convince Stone that monsters show up wherever they go, Katherine reverts to human form nearby and flashes Red Eyes, Take Warning in front of Skull just to mess with him.
  • Weirdness Magnet: Lampshaded for Bulk and Skull.
    Stone: I find it very odd that you two are the only ones in Angel Grove outside of the Power Rangers to face off with a different monster every week!
    Skull: Lt. Stone, it's true. Every time we turn around, well [sputters] there they are!
  • Wham Shot: Zedd teleports himself with his throne to the Command Center.
  • Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Kimberly is lured out of the Command Center by the Tengas "attacking" Katherine and in her weakened state is captured by Goldar and taken to the Moon Palace.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Monster sightings are certainly common in Angel Grove, but as far as Stone is concerned, Bulk and Skull's insistence that they're monster magnets sounds more like two incompetent slackers coming up with a tired excuse.
  • You Have to Believe Me!: Bulk and Skull (especially the former) insist to Stone that monsters inexplicably show up wherever they are.
