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Recap / Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers S2E33 Lights, Camera, Action

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The Power Rangers are scheduled to appear on "The Harvey Garvey Show", a local talk show, broadcast nationally, to spread the message of education. Adam's fear of cameras is taken literally by Lord Zedd, who turns a studio camera into the Showbiz Monster! Can the Rangers inspire the audiences of America, find time to save the world, and avoid having their helmets yanked off by Bulk & Skull on live TV?


  • Accidental Truth: When they stumble onstage after the Power Rangers teleport out and Harvey Garvey walks off in annoyance at their stunt, Bulk desperately utters out "but...we're friends of the Power Rangers!" Little does he know, they actually are.
  • Adaptational Villainy: The Showbiz Monster's Dairanger counterpart had pathos about draining the pink ranger of her lifeforce and attempted to renounce his evil ways (only to be killed by Gara). Here it's just another evil creature created to capitalize on the Rangers being unavailable to perform their duties.
  • Artistic License – History: The episode names David Sarnoff "the father of television." The television was actually invented by numerous people, most notably John Logie Baird; Sarnoff was an executive at RCA whose main contribution to television was recognising its potential and helping spread it..
  • Bottle Episode: Of a sort. The principal actors are only in a few short scenes in the beginning and end of the episode. The rest of the the time, including their entire appearance on The Harvey Garvey Show (itself including lots of clip-show footage), they are fully morphed and played by stunt actors.
  • Clip Show
  • Continuity Nod: Harvey asks the White Ranger whatever happened to the Green Ranger (unaware that they're the same person.) Tommy says it's a long story, but Zedd attacks and the Rangers leave before he can elaborate, and it's unknown if he would have revealed to the public that the White and Green Rangers are one and the same.
  • Dies Differently in Adaptation: As mentioned under Adaptational Villainy, Showbiz Monster's Dairanger counterpart was killed by Gara. Here, he disperses into light upon being struck by the Thunder Megazord's sabre.
  • Fake Shemp: Trini's voice in the flashback to the Pudgy Pig fight ("Oh no, he ate the weapons!") is dubbed in another actor rather than using archive audio of Thuy Trang, who had left the show by that point.
  • 20 Minutes into the Past: In the opening scene, Aisha says that 1939 was fifty years ago, making the present day 1989. This season aired in 1994-1995. Though she may have only said fifty years cause it's a rounded number.
  • You Can't Thwart Stage One: Averted. None of Zedd's plan to create evil duplicates to spread his evil mage comes into fruition as Goldar badly failed to capture the Power Rangers. Zedd instead resorts to Plan B, creating a mosnter, eventually he settles on turning a camera into his Showbiz Monster.
