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Recap / Martha Speaks S 4 E 6 Marthas Adverb Adventure

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Weaselgraft appears to have adopted Martha, but it's all in his imagination. In reality, he's standing in the snow in front of a machine Pablum invented. It's meant to clean up the snow, but it instead fires snowballs at him, so he goes and asks Pablum for the instructions. He instead shows him another invention — an "adverbaliser", which makes people and things do whatever they're doing in a way specified by the user. To demonstrate, he speeds up the melting of the snow covering Weaselgraft by saying, "Quickly!" into the device.

Later, Helen, T.D., and Martha are channel-surfing, when they see Weaselgraft and Pablum on TV, advertising the adverbaliser. T.D. wants one, so he can make time go quickly or slowly based on what he wants, and cheat on assignments by saying, "easily" in regards to completing them. O.G. agrees to buy him one after hearing it's "really weird", but Helen isn't sure, since Weaselgraft and Pablum are involved.

Weaselgraft tries to use the snow mover, but gets covered in snow again. He asks for the "adverbaliser" to make the snow melt quickly again, but Pablum has already sold it. When T.D. gets the adverbaliser out of the box, Helen, Alice, Truman, and Martha are watching. T.D. demonstrates by making the mess caused by opening it clean up instantly, then everyone has fun with it.

Truman uses it to learn dinosaur history "completely", Martha uses it to make Skits bark "quietly", Helen makes Jake eat "neatly", and Truman uses it to make Alice dance "gracefully" (though she loses her grace the second she stops dancing). Weaselgraft and Pablum spy on the kids and dogs, wanting the adverbaliser back. Weaselgraft disguises himself as a government official (while Pablum is disguised as a bush) and demands the adverbaliser back, saying it's "restricted". Martha, however, sees through their disguises and makes their attempt fail, using the adverbaliser and the word "unsuccessfully". This makes O.G. call the government to check if Weaselgraft isn't a faker.

Back at the lair, Pablum reveals that he has a smaller, prototype adverbaliser that works, but not as well. He and Weaselgraft come back to the Lorraines' yard (where the kids are building a snowman) with the snow mover and the prototype adverbaliser. Weaselgraft tries using it to make T.D. hand over the proper adverbaliser "immediately", but T.D. uses the proper one to make himself go back "rapidly". Weaselgraft tries to make them "surrender completely", but they dodge the blast. Then, Helen makes a hundred snowballs "instantly", so the crooks fight back with the snow mover. However, Martha makes the snowballs move "slowly", allowing the kids to throw them back. T.D. asks Martha to get the adverbaliser inside and get O.G., but she drops it and breaks it. Pablum refunds T.D., then tries to take it home to fix, but Weaselgraft breaks it beyond repair by mentioning it being "broken completely".

This episode provides examples of

  • Acting Out a Daydream: Due to biting into a peach in his fantasy, Weaselgraft bites into a snowball in reality.
    Weaselgraft: "Why must the end of a daydream taste so bitter?!"
  • Agony of the Feet: In Weaselgraft's daydream, his feet get sore, so he soaks them... in coins.
  • Bittersweet Ending: The adverbaliser is broken, which means T.D. doesn't have it anymore... but on the other hand, the bad guys don't have it either.
  • Comically Missing the Point: When Helen, suspicious of Weaselgraft and Pablum, asks if Martha is thinking what she's thinking, Martha replies, "It's lunchtime".
  • Continuity Nod: Alice mentions her ballet lessons she took up in "Alice Twinkle Toes", and mentions that she's not very good at them due to her clumsiness.
  • Covered in Gunge: When Weaselgraft makes Pablum eat spaghetti and meatballs "completely, totally, awfully sloppily", he ends up covered in them from head to toe.
  • Creating Life: Discussed when Martha points out that the "shrub" (Pablum in disguise) pushed her, and Weaselgraft pretends that the adverbaliser brought a shrub to life.
  • Daydream Surprise: The first scene turns out to be a daydream had by Weaselgraft.
  • Evil Laugh: Weaselgraft snickers evilly when planning to use the prototype adverbaliser, then does another evil laugh when showing it to Martha and her friends.
  • Faceā€“Heel Turn: Subverted — it seems as though Martha works for Weaselgraft now, but it's all in his head.
  • Genius Serum: The adverbaliser can give someone complete knowledge on a subject by specifying the subject and saying, "completely".
  • Grossout Fakeout: When Martha is sniffing Pablum, who's disguised as a bush, he seems to think she wants to pee on him and tells her to "go find a nice tree". Actually, Martha just wanted to find Pablum.
  • Kids Love Dinosaurs: Truman uses the adverbaliser to learn everything about dinosaurs.
  • Noodle Incident: Martha refers to the instant snowballs as the "second-weirdest thing to happen around here".
  • Running Gag: Weaselgraft keeps being hit with snowballs.
  • Shaped Like Itself: Pablum says he wants to eat his spaghetti "neatly, which means, uh, neatly".
  • Slapstick: Weaselgraft gets covered in snow twice, and at one point slips on the melted snow and falls.
  • Speak in Unison: The ad ends in the guys saying at once, "Get the most out of your verbs with the adverbaliser!".
  • Stock Animal Diet: In Weaselgraft's imagination, Pablum gives Martha a steak.
  • Urine Trouble: Discussed when Martha is sniffing Pablum disguised as a bush (actually to check if it was him and not a real bush), and he tells her to "go find a nice tree".
