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Recap / Law & Order: Special Victims Unit S16 E6 "Glasgowman's Wrath"

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Written By Julie Martin and Warren Leight

Directed By Jean De Segonzac

Three young girls sneak out of the house in a bid to find the mythical Glasgowman, a journey that leads to violent events, one girl gravely injured, and the other two missing. While fishing for suspects, Benson tries to separate fantasy from reality in the girl's story.


  • Babysitter's Nightmare: Perry is a mentally unstable teenager who is said to have gone through a lot of babysitters. She ends up being involved in a crime where she tried to sacrifice Zoe, her best friend's little sister, to Glasgowman.
  • Bad People Abuse Animals: 13-year-old Perry stabs a cat to death, claiming that Glasgowman (a parody of Slender Man) told her to do it.
  • Ripped from the Headlines: This episode was based on the Slender Man stabbing from Wisconsin. Two 12-year-olds girls held down a classmate and stabbed her 19 times in order to become "proxies" of the fictional horror monster Slender Man.
