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Recap / Law & Order: Special Victims Unit S14 E15 "Deadly Ambition"

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Written By Peter Blauner and Kevin Fox

Directed By Jim McKay

Kim Rollins turns up beaten and pregnant at the precinct, asking for refuge from her abusive boyfriend. As the case develops, Rollin's actions attract the attention of I.A.B. and Kim's own plans are revealed.


  • Batman Gambit: Amaro gets Kim to admit she forged the life insurance policy on Jeff this way - he's wearing a wire when he leaves the squad, anticipating Kim will approach him and attempt a Wounded Gazelle Gambit, which he pretends to only reluctantly fall for.
  • Danger Room Cold Open: The episode begins with Rollins and Tutuola interrupting what looks like a man assaulting a woman. They back the man up against the wall and warn him not to resist—but the woman unexpectedly stands up and fires a gun at Rollins. It turns out this was just a police exercise, and as the man explains, the woman was able to catch Rollins off guard because people tend to see women as victims.
  • Foreshadowing: Rollins failing the exercise foreshadows her focusing so much on Kim's abusive boyfriend and ignoring the possibility of her sister manipulating everything to her advantage until it was too late.
  • Gilligan Cut: Kim gets Amanda put in prison and when Cragen gets her out on bail the squad impresses on her that she must at all costs not speak to Kim. The scene immediately cuts to Amanda confronting Kim at her new apartment.
  • Insurance Fraud: Rollins's sister Kim sets up her abusive boyfriend to be killed so she can collect his life insurance... that she secretly put on him... and forged her sister's name to (she was gonna share!). When Kim learns that she won't get the money since her boyfriend was killed while committing a felony (Rollins thought Kim was being raped) she changes her story so it looks like Rollins shot him in cold blood. Fortunately for Rollins it becomes clear that the scheme has collapsed so Kim settles for skipping town with all of Rollins' possessions.
  • The Resenter: it turns out this, not greed, is Kim's motive for setting her sister up to kill Jeff and take the fall for it. Kim tells Amanda that Kim and their mother think Amanda is "too big for her britches" and needs to be cut down to size.
  • Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Kim uses this to manipulate the people around her, particularly Amanda and Amaro - except it turns out Amaro is just pretending to be taken in so he can get Kim to spill the beans.
