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Recap / Law & Order: Special Victims Unit S13 E16 "Child's Welfare"

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Written By Warren Leight

Directed By Holly Dale

Simon Marsden shows up in New York asking for Benson's help with Child Services, which is threatening to take his children away from him on the grounds that Simon and his girlfriend are unfit parents. Benson's appeal to defense attorney Bayard Ellis to represent Simon turns a seemingly straightforward case into a disaster that nearly costs Benson her job. Meanwhile, a homeless couple finds a baby near a hospital that later provides the first new evidence into a three-year-old missing person's case.

Tropes in this episode

  • Not Helping Your Case: Simon and his girlfriend abduct their children from foster care. They are charged with kidnapping. Her charges are dropped, and his are reduced. However, Tracy alone back custody of the children; he is only allowed supervised visits for three years so they are forced to separate.
