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Recap / Law & Order S9 E23 "Refuge (Part One)"

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A man is killed in a police shooting, and a dead body is found in the a car trunk. The driver is covered in tattoos indicating ties to the Russian mob; the man in the trunk had bullets removed from his body. He is identified as Vassily Chuikov. Briscoe and Curtis investigate his murder and find a 10-year-old witness who is too traumatized. As for the driver, his name is revealed to be Andre Rogatin

Tropes present in this episode

  • Amoral Attorney: Volsky's lawyer Nick Margolis shares a list of witnesses with his client (due to a mistake made by not redacting the names first), putting them in danger and interfering with their case. A livid McCoy and Carmichael promptly have him disqualified as council when they find out and ensure that any substitute council is subject to the judge's approval.
  • Badass Boast: Georgy Maletkov rejects a plea deal:
    "America's like a big baby. I'm taking candy out of your hand-out of your mouth! So save your deals for the pipe-heads in Harlem... I have appointment to play chess, OK?"
  • The Bus Came Back: Dr. Elizabeth Olivet is back, specializing in children affected by crime trauma.
  • The Unpronounceable: Georgy Malenkov's surname: it should be pronounced "MALenkoff" in English and "MalenKOFF" in Russian. Throughout the episode, characters pronounce it as "MaLENkoff".
  • Tattoo as Character Type: Rogatin has a quote from Nikita Kruschev on his feet: "When you skin your customer, leave some skin to grow so you can skin them again."
  • Tattooed Crook: Of the Russian prison type, indicating ties to The Mafiya
