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Recap / Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger Ep 10

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  • Attack Reflector: The Troll Minosaur is able to absorb attacks with his left arm and fire them back out through the right.
  • Boxing Battler: The Troll Minosaur is given due to his host's boxer nature, which was the reason Kleon sought him out.
  • Gag Nose: Troll Minosaur has one of the swollen, pockmarked variety.. This was also thought to be the weak point, but this only infuriated him.
  • Monster of the Week: The Troll Minosaur.
  • One-Word Vocabulary: Troll Minosaur - Come, come!!note 
  • Our Trolls Are Different: This week's Minosaur is themed after a troll.
  • Rock Monster: The Troll Minosaur is specifically a mountain troll. Additional features include a snow-tipped mountain above his head, along with moss decorated on his forearms and covering his enitres shins.
  • Victim of the Week: Kenta Mori, the host of the Troll Minosaur.
  • Zipperiffic: If you look closely, you will notice a long zipper in the middle of the Troll Minosaur's body, revealing the head.
