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Recap / Kinnikuman Gold Mask Arc

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The Gold Mask Arc is the eighth story arc in the Kinnikuman series, taking place from chapters 160-208.


With Kinnikuman's victory over the Seven Devil Chojin, the Golden Mask is stolen by the Six Devil Knights, forcing Kinnikuman to challenge them in order to recover the Mask. After beating the Devil Knights with his fellow Justice Chojins' help, Akuma Shogun is the Devil Knights' last challenge. It is revealed that Akuma Shogun is really the spirit of the Chojin God of War, Goldman. With the help of the fallen Devil Knights, Akuma Shogun gains a body to fight Kinnikuman. Buffaloman stalls for time until Kinnikuman perfects his new finisher, the Kinniku Driver. With this new finisher, Kinnikuman ends the threat of the Devil Chojin once and for all.


  • Big Bad: Akuma Shogun is the mastermind behind the Six Devil Chojin.
  • Double Knockout: Terryman forces Asuraman out of the ring during their match, causing it to end in a stalemate.
  • Foreshadowing: Geromino could leave his bubble on his own, even though normal Justice Chojin couldn't. This is a hint that he's not really a chojin.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Asuraman specializes in this. He even takes the arms of his victims and uses them as his own.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: With the exception of Kinnikuman, most of the Justice Chojin are forced to be placed in bubbles to protect them from the Gold Mask's influence. When Planetman uses his Face Planet technique to synch his body up with Kin's family and friends, this allows them to leave their bubbles because they took some of Planetman's power with them.
  • You Have Failed Me: The Six Devil Knights were upset with the Devil Chojins' loss to the Justice Chojin and decided to kill them personally.
