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Recap / King Of The Hill S 10 E 1 Hanks On Board

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Hank is the odd man out when his friends don't invite him on vacation, and realize that his friends have always avoided him whenever they go on vacation. Meanwhile, Bobby uses Peggy's grocery money to buy a metal detector to comb the beach with.

This episode contains examples of:

  • An Aesop: Don't be a wet blanket, but also don't throw out your own wits to fit in. Hank may be a bit of a killjoy sometimes, but most of the time he acts that way specifically so they don't end up in a dangerous situation like they did when Hank just went along with the others to try and fit in better.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: When Hank and friends manage to strand themselves in the middle of an ocean since they all jumped off the boat for a swim and nobody remembered to lower the ladder so they could climb back up, Boomhauer manages to pull off the propeller and cause a fuel leak, while Dale prepares to have one last cigarette before he drowns that he was keeping in a watertight ziploc bag along with a single match, Hank stops him and tells him to set the fuel on fire instead: this successfully attracts the attention of the helicopter flying above that they couldn't get to notice them by waving their hands, allowing them to be rescued.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Hank is a minor version of this towards Bill, Dale and Boomhauer, since they get tired of his constant, seemingly pointless rules and when Hank gets fed up with them during the trip to the beach and switches over to Peggy's car, their complaints are seemingly validated when the other 3 arrive late, claiming they had the time of their lives when they briefly got lost and found the best taco restaurant they've ever been in and bought new caps they all love. However, the 3 later admit that they bickered almost constantly even without Hank present and the tacos they ate weren't that great either, and when Hank's ingenuity saves their lives, they regain their appreciation towards him being the Only Sane Man out of their group.
