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Recap / KikoRiki Ep 17 "La"

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Other dub names: Wolli's Singing Well (4Kids); Laa! (Studio 100)

Wally takes singing lessons from Carlin. Unfortunately, he can't master the last note of La. Carlin gets tired of his fake singing and asks him to take a break and continue their practicing later.

Insistent on continuing to practice, Wally runs around the valley and shouts "La" at the top of his lungs. Suddenly, he breaks his voice and now can only wheeze. He goes to the well and drinks the water, but it doesn't help him get his voice back. He sits on the edge of the well, but suddenly sneezes and falls to the bottom.

Krash and Chiko approach the well to collect water. Wally tries to use their bucket to get back, but the rope breaks off and causes him to fall down again. He tries to call for help, but Krash and Chiko do not understand his hoarse screams and think that there is a water tank in the well. They are trying to scare him and appease him with apples.

Dokko proposes Krash and Chiko to illuminate the well with a light bulb. When they try to do just that, they accidentally let it fall into the water. Wally is electrocuted and sent flying out of the well shouting "La" in pain. Half-asleep Carlin hears this cry and praises Wally for finally getting the note right. The others, meanwhile, still don't understand that the "water tank" was Wally and chase after him.

