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Recap / Jimmy Two Shoes S 1 E 1 Spew Tube Monster Mutt

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Spew Tube

At Lucius' mansion, Jimmy has brought Heloise and Beezy to film him skateboarding down a lengthy staircase. Jimmy screws up the trick the moment he starts, sliding down the stair railings face first until he crashes at ground floor. Beezy follows up by throwing himself from the stairs and squashing Jimmy, which causes the floor under the two to crack. The pair plummet into Lucius' basement, and Heloise soon joins them. There, they discover a pile of old home movies.

With Lucius at Misery Inc. overseeing production of the company's new crud-based cereal, Jimmy, Beezy, and Heloise watch a movie from Lucius' childhood. In it, a young Lucius attempts to perform a spectacular dive into a lava pool, only to get his swim trunks snagged on the diving board and then clumsily belly flop into the pool, prompting some monsters watching him to taunt him as "Belly Flop Lucius". Jimmy and his friends find it utterly hilarious, and it turns out Heloise has conveniently made a copy for rewatching. However, Beezy warns Heloise that nobody else can see "Belly Flop Lucius", fearing what his dad would do if he knew they saw it. Jimmy agrees to keep it a secret, and forces Heloise to agree as well. However, Heloise has no plans to keep the promise.

Some time later, Lucius is addressing a crowd of Miseryvillians when "Belly Flop Lucius" suddenly begins playing on the monitors behind him. In fact, the video is playing on every screen in Miseryville, and everyone is laughing at it. With his subjects all joyous and no longer afraid of him, Lucius is left inconsolable. But humiliation becomes fury when he realizes who had made "Belly Flop Lucius" public. Meanwhile, Jimmy and Beezy are not pleased that Heloise has broken her promise, and the trio are arrested by Lucius' henchmen. Lucius orders Jimmy and his friends to be dropped in a vat of acid, but Jimmy convinces him that they can help earn his reputation back. They'll make a new movie to make him look tough. Deciding it's better than listening to the people of Miseryville ridicule him non-stop, Lucius reluctantly agrees to the plan.

What follows is a montage of some of Jimmy's attempted videos, all filmed live by Heloise. In every one of them, Lucius attempts to act tough, only for something to go wrong. He marches down the the stairs in an imposing manner, only for a monster eagle to suddenly grab him and drop him from a great height. He engages in a boxing match, but his opponent completely outclasses him. He kills a bee, and Jimmy angers the rest of the swarm to make him look even tougher. As a result, Miseryville's monsters and demons continue to laugh at their ruler.

However, Jimmy has one last idea. He gives a script to Samy, who reads off it a string of insults to Lucius. Miseryville's ruler, his patience already at breaking point, is infuriated by Samy's words. Samy is much too immersed in his acting to notice, and makes the mistake of mocking his boss' height. Finally blowing his top, Lucius begins to chase Samy about in an uncontrollable rage before grabbing Heloise's camera. Lucius' fury as he bellows into the live recording terrifies Miseryville and resurrects Lucius' feared status.

With the monsters of Miseryville having finally been reminded of why Lucius is their ruler, the devil-like dictator has "Belly Flop Lucius" and all the other videos destroyed. He also wants Heloise's camera gone, but Heloise instead tosses it out of the window. Lucius falls out of the window as he tries to get it, and Jimmy and Beezy leap after him. Heloise, equipped with a second camera, films the three crash onto the ground, and "Belly Flop Lucius 2" is born.

"Spew Tube" features examples of:

  • Bland-Name Product: The titular video-sharing site which Heloise uploads "Belly Flop Lucius" to is Miseryville's version of Youtube.
  • Blatant Lies: "I feel bad about it now." Even Beezy could tell Heloise was faking it.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Lucius VI's voice can be heard in the home movie, but he won't appear properly until "Pop-Sicles".
  • Embarrassing Old Photo: "Belly Flop Lucius" is of the home movie variety.
  • Epic Fail: Jimmy's skateboarding stunt.
    • All of Jimmy's attempted videos to help Lucius look tough again.
  • Establishing Character Moment: As the first episode:
    • Jimmy completely botching the skateboard stunt but being totally nonchalant about it.
    • Beezy immediately jumping down the stairs after Jimmy, shouting "Beezzyyy!"
    • Lucius forcing Samy to try Lucius Bites ("now with added crud!") and deciding it needs more crud when Samy collapses after a single bite rots all his teeth.
    • Heloise's Slasher Smile after telling Jimmy and Beezy she won't upload the video to Spew Tube.
  • Here We Go Again!: Heloise creates a new "Belly Flop Lucius" video at the end of the episode.
  • Instant Humiliation: Just Add YouTube!: Lucius goes through this as a result of Heloise uploading his old home movie and broadcasting it all over Miseryville. Further humiliation ensues with further videos.
  • Running Gag: "BBEEEEZZZYYY!!!" *CRASH!*
  • Scary Stinging Swarm: Lucius swats a bee to try look tough, only to get attacked by a bunch more of them when Jimmy tosses a rock at a beehive to try make him look even tougher.
  • Slasher Smile: Heloise pulls one after "promising" not to show "Belly Flop Lucius" to anyone else. It's actually pretty scary.

Monster Mutt

Jimmy has been invited over for a private picnic in Heloise's backyard. Of course, Heloise has more romantic motives for the meal, but Cerbee and Beezy have invited themselves over, ruining her Jimmy time. Things finally reach a breaking point for Heloise when the two monsters eat a massive roasted bird she had specially barbecued for Jimmy, prompting Jimmy, Beezy, and Cerbee to leave before they can feel her wrath. A few hours later, Heloise calms down and gets an evil idea. She goes off to Jimmy's house, where Beezy and Cerbee are hanging with Jimmy, and tranquilizes all three of them out. She then marches in and begins her nefarious plan.

The following morning, Jimmy wakes up to the sight of Beezy acting like a dog. He knows something's not right with his best bud, but Heloise is more interested in redoing yesterday's picnic than in what's wrong with Beezy. As Beezy begins chasing after a postwoman Jimmy rushes back inside to get Cerbee's help, to Heloise's displeasure. However, Cerbee is lazing about and stuffing himself with junk food. Upon seeing his pet's Beezy-like behavior, Jimmy immediately realizes what happened - Heloise has switched his friend and his dog's brains around. Heloise makes no attempt to deny this, defending herself as getting even for what Beezy and Cerbee did at her picnic. Jimmy does not sympathize with her, instead rushing off with Beezy-in-Cerbee to find Cerbee-in-Beezy.

Meanwhile, Cerbee-in-Beezy is wreaking havoc in downtown Miseryville. Word of the rampaging creature has reached Lucius, and he absolutely adores the mystery monster's ability to spread chaos through town. He immediately calls in Molotov and orders his general to bring the beast to him. Back with Jimmy, he and Beezy-in-Cerbee have located Cerbee-in-Beezy and managed to get his attention with a bone. However, Heloise is still insistent on the picnic, which Jimmy refuses to unless she switches Beezy and Cerbee's brains back. However, the argument is the distraction that allows Molotov to capture Cerbee-in-Beezy and bring him to Misery Inc. There, Lucius is initially stunned to learn the monster was his son the whole time, but decides he likes the new Beezy.

Jimmy, Heloise, and Beezy-in-Cerbee have been pursuing after the captured Cerbee-in-Beezy and are now on the glass rooftops of Misery Inc., where they watch Lucius show his son's new personality off to frightened Misery Inc. workers. However, Jimmy and Beezy-in-Cerbee fall through the ceiling, landing right next to Lucius. Jimmy explains the situation to Lucius, but the ruler of Miseryville is apathetic to the problem; if anything, Lucius is for once actually proud of his son. Having enough of Lucius' attitude, Jimmy gets Cerbee-in-Beezy to follow him out of Misery Inc., with Heloise and Beezy-in-Cerbee joining. Lucius is not going to lose Cerbee-in-Beezy though, and sends his henchmen after the group. Jimmy and his pals evade the goons and make it outside, only to end up running into a cage set by Lucius. Realizing what to do, Jimmy tells Heloise he would now like to do the picnic, to which a satisfied Heloise responds by activating out a remote that restores Beezy and Cerbee to their normal bodies. The cage is destroyed in the process, and Lucius is left disappointed by Beezy having returned to his usual lazy, dimwitted self.

With the misadventure over, Jimmy and Heloise finally have their private picnic while Beezy plays with Cerbee and has to deal with the dog monster's biting tendencies. There's just one catch - Heloise has switched her body with Jimmy's, and she's not going to restore herself or Jimmy back to normal until they finish that picnic.

"Monster Mutt" features examples of:

  • Animate Inanimate Object: The lava worm's friend, a stinky sock who also takes insult to Heloise comparing herself to it.
  • Balloon Belly: Beezy and Cerbee both get one after consuming Heloise's giant barbecued bird.
  • Blatant Lies: Heloise tries the "I feel bad about it now" routine again.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: Lucius has a pair of generic demon bodyguards as his primary muscle. They are also seen in "Spew Tube" and "Way Below Par", but are totally replaced by Molotov and the Minotaurs afterwards.
  • Failed a Spot Check: "You think we would have seen that helicopter."
  • "Freaky Friday" Flip: The plot revolves around the consequences of Heloise doing this to Cerbee and Beezy. At the end of the episode, she switches herself with Jimmy.
  • I Resemble That Remark!: When Jimmy tries yet again to convince Heloise to restore Beezy and Cerbee to their old bodies. Heloise even glares at Jimmy in a "I told you so" manner.
    Jimmy: Not till Beezy and Cerbee are back to normal.
    Heloise: They're... never... gonna be normal.
    Beezy-in-Cerbee: Cool! I can chew in my own foot! Huh? Huh?
  • Only Sane Man: Jimmy is the only one who has a problem with Beezy and Cerbee being in each others' bodies.
  • Through His Stomach: The first of Heloise's many attempts to get Jimmy's feelings.
