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Recap / Jackie Chan Adventures S 1 E 2 The Power Within

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Having already recovered the Rooster Talisman, Jackie learns of eleven others scattered in different parts of the world. Jade accidentally swallows the Rooster Talisman which gives her the ability to levitate objects and people.

This episode provides examples of:

  • Arbitrary Skepticism: Captain Black very clearly doesn't believe Jackie's reports about the magic of the talismans, while otherwise apparently accepting his report on the episode's events.
  • Bad Boss: Shendu insults the Enforcers for losing the talisman in the previous episode, completely glossing over that the Enforcers may not have known about the talisman in the first place.
  • Big "NO!": Jade when she realizes she's about to skateboard down a steep hill.
  • Blah, Blah, Blah: While admonishing Jade for following him, Jackie asks her if this is what she hears when he talks.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Jade ignores Jackie’s orders to chew her food, claiming that she can’t chew soup. Had she realized that he meant to chew the food that’s in the soup, she wouldn’t have swallowed the talisman.
  • Does Not Like Spam: Tohru's hatred of fish is first mentioned here.
  • Dope Slap: Uncle does this to Jackie when he asks him if he really believes the legend about the talismans having magical powers.
    Uncle: Does that answer your question?
  • Double-Meaning Title: The episode represents how the power is found within the Rooster Talisman, and how Jade was able to utilize said Talisman's power within her stomach.
  • Exact Words: Jackie tells Jade to remain with her granduncle, leading to this when she follows Jackie.
    Jade: "Stay with Uncle"? Tch! Didn't say which uncle.
  • Exposition Dump: The opening of the episode is filled with Uncle explaining the significance of the talismans.
  • Failed a Spot Check: Somehow Jade doesn't see the rooster talisman in her soup or feel it when she gulps down the whole bowl.
    Jackie: How could you not notice you swallowed a golf ball?!
  • Family-Friendly Firearms: During the fight scene at the restaurant, Finn brandishes a pistol which Jackie knocks into a lobster tank.
  • Goldfish Poop Gang: The Dark Hand enforcers fall firmly into this category by starting and losing a fight with Jackie in the first few minutes of the episode. They didn't even bring their electric swords from the first episode. During their second encounter with them in the episode, Jackie beats a couple of them up with nearby fish and makes Ratso flee into a metal beam.
  • Hypocritical Humor: Uncle tells Jade to leave the rough stuff to Jackie before dropping one of the Dark Hand enforcers with a broomstick. Jade approves.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Discussed by Jackie and Jade when they are chased by Shadowkhan.
    Jade: Aren't you gonna whomp 'em?
    Jackie: Ancient proverb: Do not fight when you can run!
  • Logical Weakness: Once Jade is discovers the rooster talisman in her stomach, she can't make much direct use of it, since she's strapped to a table bolted to the floor. She can, however, move other things in the room.
  • Look, a Distraction!: Jade runs away from Uncle by telling him the manager of the restaurant is coming.
  • Magical Sensory Effect: Shendu produces a talisman-sensing radar and gives it to the Shadowkhan.
  • Misfortune Cookie: While at the restaurant, Jade opens a fortune cookie which says "Danger looms in your future". Uncle remarks that they must be cautious, while Jackie scoffs at listening to cookie. Less than a second later, the Enforcers show up.
  • Motor Mouth: Jade when she excitedly tells Jackie she can fly.
  • No-Sell: Jade tries to kick Tohru while she and Jackie are escaping. Given that she's a small child trying to kick a giant man, this goes exactly as well as you'd expect.
  • Outside-the-Box Tactic: Jade figures a way to beat Tohru is to hit him with the biggest thing available—which would be Tohru himself. She proceeds to use the rooster talisman to lift him to the ceiling and then drop him through the floor, and the floor below that.
  • Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: Uncle's "Never. Mock. The cookie."
  • Tablecloth Yank: Jackie grabs a tablecloth to smother a fire without disrupting a pair of customers eating their food.
  • Toilet Humour: In a downplayed example, Jade is forced to have her stomach pumped to remove the Rooster Talisman. The process isn't shown, but she appears extremely uncomfortable; though not for long.
  • Tranquil Fury: When Shendu and Valmont are discussing in the opening scene, both are able to coldly convey their anger without raising their voices.
  • Unwanted Assistance: Jackie tells Jade to stop helping him when they battle Tohru.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Tohru intends to cut the Rooster Talisman out of Jade's stomach.
