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Recap / It Feels More Like A Memory Chapter 32 Equal Opposite I

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"equal, opposite i" contains examples of:

  • all lowercase letters: Like every other chapter title of this fic, this chapter's title is in all lowercase letters.
  • Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: Following the convention of naming every chapter title after a Hamilton lyric, this chapter takes its title from the lyric “Every action has its equal opposite reaction” from "Washington On Your Side" and/or "The Election of 1800."
  • Meaningful Echo: This chapter lists out "The xth thing that" Aaron should have done leading up to his impending trial, from 1 to 9. 10 is different, it's "The tenth thing that" Aaron chooses to do, not something he should've done. The chapter ends with Aaron waiting to go against Alexander in court, which the fic compares to a duel. The fic's referencing the musical: two Hamilton songs also list out things before a duel occursnote , from 1 to 9, where 10 is differentnote  and references action.
  • Morality Chain Beyond the Grave: James Madison is unconscious and deathly ill. Aaron doesn’t want to leave his bedside, even though Thomas Jefferson is going to arrest Aaron for treason. Dolley convinces him to leave James’ bedside and flee on the grounds James would want him to:
    “There are two possible outcomes here,” Dolley says, her eyes steely. “Either my husband will die, in which case there is nothing you can do to stop it, or he will live, and he will never forgive you for getting yourself killed in your grief instead of doing the smart thing and running.”
    Aaron is silent.
    “Aaron,” she says more gently. “What would he have wanted you to do?”
    “He would want me to run,” Aaron says.
  • The Puppet Cuts His Strings: Jefferson’s been controlling Aaron and believes Madison has been too. Jefferson interprets his actions in this chapter as Aaron trying to break from their control and grab power himself, though it wasn’t his intention: convinced Madison that Aaron should be Jefferson’s Vice President, Aaron not stepping down and giving Jefferson the presidency after they tie, and James Madison simultaneously falling deadly ill. That wasn’t his intention. James fell ill unexpectedly and Aaron was too worried for him to remember to give Jefferson the presidency. The vice president thing is partially because Aaron thinks time likes to follow the same path so it’ll go easier if he repeats the Jefferson/Burr ticket from the first lifetime, partially because it’ll be harder for Jefferson to get rid of Aaron what happened before, partially because Aaron won’t have as many duties in that office, and partially because it’ll look weird if Aaron gets no reward after helping Jefferson win the presidency. The vice president bit is the most scheme-y thing he does and it’s not to grab power for himself but to protect himself and better enable Jefferson’s grab for power.
  • Unbroken Vigil: When James Madison gets deadly ill with yellow fever, Aaron refuses to leave James’ bedside, even to eat. He forgets entirely about the presidential campaign going on and doesn’t notice when Jefferson promises to have him arrested because he’s busy being worried for James. However, though he doesn’t want to leave James’ bedside, he does leave, subverting the trope when Dolley convinces him to flee so Jefferson doesn’t arrest him, on the grounds that James would want him to.
