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Recap / iCarly (2021) S1E11 "iCan Fix it Myself"

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Carly is in over her head when she tries to repair her car herself rather than ask for help. Spencer tries to help Maeve reveal her secret to Harper.


  • The Alleged Car: Carly's car "Vin Diesel" is very much this. Wes tells her that there are so many problems with it that it would cost more money to fix it than it would be to buy a new one.
  • Faked Kidnapping: Maeve reveals to Spencer that her kidnapping was fake. She was actually on a cruise hiding from debt collectors and paparazzi.
  • Mourning an Object: Carly is crushed when Wes informs her that her car cannot be fixed. It's because she and Sam bought the car together while Carly was in college and the car symbolizes her memories of her old friend.
  • Named After Someone Famous: Carly calls her car "Vin Diesel". It was actually Sam who came up with that name.
  • Only Sane Man: Among the main cast, Freddie and Millicent are this compared to Carly's desperation to have her car instantly fixed, and Maeve and Spencer trying to cover up the truth from Harper. Early on, Millicent suggests that Carly take auto-repair classes at the community college to learn how to fix her broken car. But when Carly quickly quits the classes and tries to learn to repair her car by watching TikTok videos, Millicent and Freddie point out that watching TikTok videos will not make her an instant genius at auto repairs.
  • Sound-Effect Bleep: Millicent honks the horn every time Carly and Freddie curse while they try to fix her car. She is a kid, so…
  • Take That!: An example where a show subtly does it to itself. Millicent honking over Carly's and Freddie's swearing ending with Millicent telling them to stop cussing takes a jab at the characters' liberty to curse in the revival, acknowledging that it can get overdone.
  • Wham Line: The way Maeve blurts out to Spencer: "I faked it." At first it comes across as an Accidental Innuendo when Spencer thinks she faked her orgasms last night and becomes disappointed at his sexual performance, but then Maeve calms him down by explaining that she faked her own kidnapping to escape the unwanted attention from her family losing her fortune.
    • Gets even more serious when Maeve accidentally spills the beans to Harper, thinking that Spencer told her the truth.
