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Recap / His Dark Materials S 3 E 2 The Break

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In Geneva, Cardinal MacPhail oversees a crackdown on dissidents. Fra Pavel Rasek consults his alethiometer and determines Mrs Coulter is hiding Lyra on an island in the "German Sea." MacPhail orders Father Gomez to find and kill Lyra. MacPhail regards Lyra as the new "Eve" that will bring sin to all worlds. Meanwhile, Alarbus, an Angel loyal to the Authority, murders Baruch. After both Angels crash into Lord Asriel's camp, Asriel imprisons and interrogates Alarbus, who reveals the Authority plans to destroy Dust to subjugate all worlds. Asriel tasks the Gallivespian spy, Commander Roke, and his agent, Salmakia, with spying on the Magisterium. In Ogunwe's world, Dr Malone encounters two young girls who stayed behind because their father remained with the Temple. Using the Subtle Knife, Will and Commander Roke reach Coulter's island and rescue Lyra, though the Knife breaks because Mrs Coulter reminds Will of his mother. Will, Lyra, Balthamos, and Agent Salmakia escape Father Gomez's strike team and flee into another world. Soon after, Asriel arrives on Mrs Coulter's island in his Intention Craft.
