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Recap / Hamster & Gretel S1E41 "The Break-Stuff Club"

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When the school unveils a mural Hiromi has made, they discover it has been vandalized with graffiti. Kevin figures that it must be a stunt of the Break-Stuff Club, a group of teenage pranksters who got themselves a year's worth of Saturday detentions for their crazy stunts. Kevin decides to infiltrate the Club and get them to confess, by getting Saturday detention himself.


  • Brown Bag Mask: Unknownzy, the one who really defaced the mural, wears a paper bag as part of his costume.
  • Disappointed by the Motive: When Gretel finds out Bob Cashwell's reason for defacing the mural, she declares it the lamest villain plot.
  • Dramatic Unmask: After Unknownzy, the real culprit, is apprehended, his paper bag mask and skull mask are taken off to reveal it was Bob Cashwell, the investor behind the mural, all along. The reason he vandalized Hiromi's mural is to receive money from insurance.
  • Exact Words: Hiromi taught Joe Thompson how to read, as in she showed him that he had to actually open the book to read past the cover.
  • Food Fight: Kevin starts one by accident, which is what lands him in detention. When he brags about this to the Break-Stuff Club, Ronnie calls the act "played out", "juvenile", and "so 1985".
  • Fun with Acronyms: The graffiti tag spells out BSC, which Kevin figures it to stand for Break-Stuff Club. In reality, it stands for Bob Stanley Cashwell.
    • When Kevin asks what villains Hamster and Gretel have faced with the initials BSC, Gretel replies with Big Scary Cyborg, but Hamster had punched in into the sun a week prior.
  • Harmless Villain: Kevin is bad at being bad: most of his attempts to get into attention leads into good deeds by complete accident. When he finally achieves his punishment, it's because of a food fight, also started by complete accident.
  • Inexplicably Identical Individuals: Ronnie Gutcherson looks very similar to one of the cheerleaders at school, who seems to be named Sheila in "Saturday Homecoming Fever".
  • Loved by All: Hiromi is greatly respected by the Break-Stuff Club as well, who plan to fix the mural after it got tagged. Joe Thompson in particular respects her since she taught him how to read when they were little.
  • Not Evil, Just Misunderstood: When Kevin hears that the Break-Stuff Club plans to fix Hiromi's mural rather than destroy it further, they explain that their previous stunts were to protest cuts to the art budget. Turns out that the Break-Stuff Club aren't a ragtag bunch of vandalizing pranksters, but just really passionate for art. Even their name is not what it seems: it's not that they break stuff; instead they plan their stuff during school breaks.
  • Only One Name: Played with: Chad's full name appears to be Chad No Last Name.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: The Break-Stuff Club's prior pranks were supposed to be protests against art budget cuts.
