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Recap / Green Eggs And Ham 2019 S 1 E 4 Fox

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After some more adventures on the train, Sam and Guy take a detour from their trip to get Mr. Jenkins some food and find themselves at the mercy of an emotionally unstable fox.

Tropes appearing in "Fox"

  • Adaptational Angst Upgrade: The fox from the book was simply one of the many things the other character refused to eat green eggs and ham with and didn't have a personality. Here's, he's a neurotic hen house guard named Michael who's trying to ween himself off of eating eggs to impress his crush, an aloof hen who looks down on him for doing so.
  • Any Last Words?: McWinkle says this to Sam and Guy as he and Glunts are about to net them. Sam says he has several and Gluntz, being... well, Gluntz, says it's only fair to let Sam speak them.
  • Bait-and-Switch: At first, the Fox looks like he's going to steal and eat one of the hen's eggs, but it turns out that he's guarding them. Sam even muses that it's "progressive."
  • Brains and Brawn: Subverted. Sam says that Guy is the brains and he's the "other brains."
  • Character Development: When trying to get Mr. Jenkins to eat something he doesn't want to, Guy insists that he won't know if he likes it until he tries it.
  • Chekhov's Gun: The model train car from the previous episode helps Guy see how close the BADGUYS are to him.
  • Cool and Unusual Punishment: E.B. tries to invoke this by reading the train's safety manual while being punished, but her mother won't let her do so much as that.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?
    • Sam claims that he doesn't need "a Guy" to raise Mr. Jenkins as "a strong single father." As soon as Guy reenters, Sam throws himself at his feet and says he's been a wreck without him. Mr. Jenkins also starts calling Guy "papa."
    • Michael tears up a seat cushion while yelling that he needs eggs, in the same way that a recovering addict or someone with anger issues might let their aggression out by punching a pillow.
  • Eat the Camera: The episode ends with Michael doing this.
  • Fantastic Racism: Sandra the hen isn't swayed by Michael the fox's efforts to kick his egg addiction because he's "still a fox."
  • Foreshadowing: Alleged wildlife protector Sam conveniently forgets that chickeraffes can't fly and and what they eat. He's not a wildlife expert.
  • Freak Out: Michael tears up a cushion in his house while screaming "I NEED EGGS!"
  • G-Rated Drug: Eggs, but only as it applies to the fox, who's trying to kick his obsession with them to get in good with a hen he has a crush on.
  • Growling Gut: Subverted. After opening the closet full of Michael's secret stash of eggs, Guy hears what he thinks is Sam's stomach growling at the thought of eating them. It turns out to be Michael about to have another Freak Out.
  • Here We Go Again!: After E.B. and her mother finally make up, E.B. passively mentions that she was riding on top of the train the night before, sending her mother right back to being mad at her.
  • Jedi Mind Trick: Sam convinces Michael that there aren't two people in his house removing his necktie.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Sam says that the story of how he and Guy came to harbor a chickeraffe has "Plot twists for days!" and is "Binge-worthy!"
  • Made of Iron: In true Warner Bros. Animation tradition, Guy falls end-over-end down a cliff and is only in slight pain upon reaching the bottom.
  • Named by the Adaptation: The nameless fox from the book is named Michael in the series.
  • No-Neck Chump: The farmer of the house that Sam and Guy sneak into to find neckties, much to their inconvenience.
  • [Popular Saying], But...: Sam: "You know what they say: where there's smoke, there's ties!"
  • Pun: Michael's meditation tape. "What is nature? What is nurture? I don't know, that's why they call it 'NOT-sure'."
  • Running Gag: Snerz has to keep reminding his cronies that no, they are not eating the Chickeraffe.
  • Shout-Out: When the farmer's wife doesn't believe her son about the chickeraffe in the bath, she snarks "Sure, and last night, there was a wozzet in your closet."
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: McWinkle and Gluntz have no trouble convincing the engineer to turn the train around, but they get thrown off the train for not having tickets before he can.
  • Tempting Fate: After McWinkle catches Guy, Sam and Mr. Jenkins in his net and is reeling them in from off the side of the caboose.
    Gluntz: Let's see you get outta this one!
    (Train goes into a tunnel, net rod gets broken by the top and releases Guy, Sam and Mr. Jenkins, sending them plummeting into the chasm below)
    Gluntz: Oooo, I should not have said that...
  • Tender Tears: Gluntz sheds these after Sam uses his "Any Last Words?" to tell Mr. Jenkins to fly them away.
  • This Ain't Rocket Surgery: Sam brushes off Guy's accusation that a wildlife expert should know that a chickeraffe can't fly by saying that biology "isn't a science."
  • This Is Gonna Suck: After getting roped back into their adventure out of moral obligation not to let the chickeraffe go hungry or run off when Sam goes to look for food for it, Guy bites the brim of his hat in frustration.
  • Visual Pun: While looking out at the sunset, Guy and Mr. Jenkins see a rainbow... tied in a literal bow.
