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Recap / Granblue Fantasy Prayers

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The four primarchs relieving their duties also meant that they relinquished their roles regarding the maintenance of Pathos Island as natural disaster loom the place.

After much deliberation if the primarchs should return to their duties or not, a decision is made with the disciples taking their places maintaining the balance for the first time. However, doing things the first time doesn't always means that things would go smoothly.


  • Brought Down to Normal:
    • Downplayed with Grimnir and Europa as their powers are partially absorbed by Amulet. While they can still fight, the risk of having their powers absorbed even more is enough for them to back down. By the end the the event, their powers have fully recovered.
    • Invoked with Shiva, as he willing gives up part of his powers to pacify Amulet so he could listen to her side of the story.
  • Contrived Coincidence: Just as the crew decides to visit the shrines to pacify Amulet, the seal of the nearest shrine coincidentally broke.
  • Clap Your Hands If You Believe: Shiva needs the prayers of the people to gain enough power to save Amulet.
  • Dare to Be Badass: As the townspeople still cling on their hatred against primal beasts, Shiva calls them out that doing so would do nothing an that he's going to save Amulet no matter what.
  • Dismantled Macguffin: After Amulet destroyed a town, her body is eventually split into five parts. Her main body is confined in the laboratory in the center of the island, while her four limbs are sealed off in shrines located at different edges of the island.
  • Godzilla Threshold: Shiva's plan to save Amulet is to release all the seals on her limbs and gather prayers from everyone at the island. The island's animosity with primal beasts makes things difficult at first.
  • Phlebotinum Overload: Much of Amulet's time during the War is protecting the skydwellers, by absorbing waves of enemy attacks. The absorbed energy reached its breaking point years after the War is over, leading to the town's destruction.
  • The Power of Friendship: During the War, Grimnir befriended one youth despite being on the opposite side, while also lamenting he might have killed his parents. Despite this, he turns that moment into a vow to protect the weak, which made Amulet flee instead of fight.
