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Recap / Ghost In The Shell SACS 1 Episode 14

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Section Nine breaks up a group of thieves planning to rob a Japanese bank but are then informed a communist revolutionary is going to assassinate a prominent investment banker, Yokose. Yokose is a former mathematician who made a fortune on the stock market. Unfortunately, his house is a veritable fortress and protected by a large number of automated defenses.

Section Nine and the revolutionary arrive at roughly the same time but Yokose has been dead for months. Instead, Yokose's fortune has been managed by a computer program he created before his death. Later, Togusa's wife is doing some day trading when the program hacks in and starts making some wise investments on their behalf.

  • Abnormal Ammo: A shotgun roll of coins is used literally, fired from Fem's Arm Cannon. Clearly meant to be a Karmic Death, given Fem's distaste for the dirty capitalists.
  • Call-Back: The stock the computer AI purchases at the end was Serano Genomix, the same company the Laughing Man targeted during his first appearance.
  • Clipboard of Authority: And the clipboard is too large to pass through the viewing slot, forcing the Yakuza thug to open the door to sign the papers Kusanagi is holding.
  • Dead All Along: It is revealed that Yokose has been dead for several months with everyone being none the wiser thanks to him being a recluse and his programs keeping up his work without him.
  • Delivery Guy Infiltration: Kusanagi pretends to be picking up the garbage. When the Yakuza refuse to let her in, she insists they have to sign the required paperwork (Japan has strict recycling laws).
  • Dirty Communists: Fem, the assassin, is out to eliminate Kanemoto at least partly for ideological reasons (as she considers him having amassed a fortune while not helping anyone unacceptable). She even paraphrases the Communist Manifesto in her first appearance.
  • Due to the Dead: Togusa shows some respect for the late billionaire, which leads to a Karmic Jackpot.
  • Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane: Togusa has his family investments increased by an unknown force. It might be the remnant of Kanemoto's program or his actual ghost helping Togusa out for showing respect to him.
  • Mugged for Disguise: The assassin kills a pair of bank employees and steals a uniform from one of them to infiltrate the billionaire's home.
  • Ninja Maid: The Robot Maids working as servants in the Big Fancy House are also Bodyguard Babes.
  • Not Hyperbole: An unintentional example occurs after the final bout with Fem.
    Major: I'm amazed this racket didn't wake him. He sleeps like a dead man.
    [pulls curtain; cue surprised look on her face; Togusa also looks]
    Togusa: That's 'cause he is. Looks like he's been dead for about three or four months.
  • Not So Above It All: Kusanagi loses her cool when she's knocked into the garbage. Then she has to change into a Stripperiffic outfit and even Aramaki comments on it.
  • Phallic Weapon: An enormous cannon deploys from the Yakuza cyborg's groin.
  • Resistance Is Futile: Kusanagi to the Yakuza. When one of them disagrees and pulls out a shotgun, Batou puts a bullet through his hand. "Didn't we tell you not to resist?"
  • Video Phone: Mr Wan is clipping his toenails in his pyjamas while the phone screen shows him in formal attire, solving one problem of this trope.
