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Recap / Futurama S 7 E 6 The Butterjunk Effect

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Purveyors of Entertainment to Her Majesty the Space Queen

After a delivery to the moon, Amy and Leela become a team in the redneck Blood Sport of Butterfly Derby. Their pathetic efforts of losing to every possible team turn around, however, after they are introduced to a shady and highly addictive substance known as "nectar".

Tropes present:

  • 11th-Hour Superpower: Fry's butterfly form is able to save Amy and Leela by distracting the Murderflies.
  • Accidental Adultery: Fry accidentally sleeps with Amy, thinking she is Leela, because he didn't turn the lights on.
  • Amazonian Beauty: Leela and Amy become more muscled and athletic as a result of abusing nectar. Their boyfriends are more upset over the psychological side-effects than their manly physiques. Their opponents, the Murderflies, avert this trope despite having been drinking nectar longer than Amy or Leela.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Fry turns into a giant butterfly at the climax, saving Amy and Leela from a fatal plummet into lava. He then engages in an orgy with the Murderflies, which causes the match to end because everyone gets Brain Bleach.
  • Blood Sport: The Butterfly Derby. An all-female sport popular on the Moon involving two teams of two fighting while wearing butterfly wingsuits. It is implied that crippling injuries are common and the championship match takes place over a lava pit.
  • Chick Magnet: Once he's doused in male butterfly pheromones Fry becomes irresistible to any woman who has taken Nectar. To the point Leela and Amy can't stop kissing him even when angry at him.
  • Comically Missing the Point: In this exchange:
    Leela: (seductively) Fry, leave your door unlocked tonight.
    Fry: But MacGruff the crime dog says—ohhhhh!
  • Compressed Vice: Leela and Amy are unusually competitive and antagonistic towards each other here. Even more jarring is that Fry says they're always like that.
    • Averted at first due to it being playful banter (With both being more annoyed at Fry) It's only when they started doping that this trope comes into play.
  • Convection, Schmonvection: Amy and Leela are able to fly unrealistically close to the lava pit without getting burned in the championship match.
  • Creator Career Self-Deprecation: On the initial delivery to the moon:
    Bender: With one-sixth gravity, you can work and be lazy at the same time! It's like being a voice actor!
  • Dancing Bear: In-Universe. Initially why Amy and Leela are hired, because they are so bad at the sport. Leela gets upset and eventually decides with Amy to get the nectar.
  • Easily Forgiven: Upon discovering Fry started having sex with Amy:
    Leela: As God is my witness, I'll never forgive you for this! [proceeds to make out with him]
  • Epic Fail: Amy and Leela were so bad at Butterfly Derby, they lost to their own reflections.
  • Fanservice: In order to be good at the Butterfly Derby, contestants must dress in lightweight and skimpy outfits. Needless to say, Amy and Leela aren't the only ones providing this. Even more so when they start abusing nectar and gain muscular physiques from it.
  • Going Cold Turkey: In order to break their addiction to Nectar, Leela and Amy are handcuffed to a bed and left to deal with the withdrawal phase for some time (implied to be no more than a couple days). After that, the two of them are no longer addicted and never show signs of potential relapse.
  • Lava Pit: In the championship match, the normal floor is replaced by one of these.
  • Modesty Towel: Played for Laughs with Bender wearing one as he enters Fry's room. It falls down when he sees both Amy and Leela in the room with him.
  • Status Quo Is God: Fry's transformation into a butterfly turns out to only be a shell, with it cracking open at the very end of the episode with a human Fry relatively unscathed.
  • Temporary Bulk Change: Leela and Amy become very muscular after they start competing in the Butterfly Derby and get addicted to a performance-enhancing hormone named Nectar. when they stop taking the drugs, they go back to normal.
  • Truth in Television: If you had Moon-level gravity with Earth-level muscles and atmosphere, you'd be able to fly by flapping your arms, if you were able to design the wings correctly.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Leela and Amy spend much of the first half of the episode playfully bickering. The guys are kinda off-put by it.
  • The Worf Effect: Leela and Amy are both Badass Adorable but even they start off their Butterfly Derby career by losing.
