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Recap / Full House S 3 E 21 Just Say No Way

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Tropes in the episode:

  • Actually Pretty Funny: Kimmy, who is best friends with DJ and normally can't stand Stephanie, couldn't help but laugh when Stephanie imitates DJ as a chicken for being unwilling to call Kevin to ask him to the dance.
    DJ: Kimmy!
    Kimmy: Sorry, but sometimes she's funny.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Inverted in that it's Stephanie, the younger sister, who goes storming to Danny, Jesse, and Joey about them not listening to DJ.
  • Calling the Old Man Out:
    • Danny punishes DJ for supposedly drinking beer, while he refused to believe in DJ’s side of the story and chooses to listen to Jesse’s point of view of the event. DJ calls out her father for believing in Jesse over her.
    • Stephanie herself reprimands Danny, Jesse, and Joey because DJ is crying her eyes out and believes in her innocence because the tears didn’t spelled out "I'm in trouble" tears but instead as "I didn't do it" tears.
  • Cassandra Truth: The basis of the episode is DJ being falsely accused of drinking beer at the dance, and considering that she lied earlier about having done her homework as well as pulling an Exact Words to Jesse performing at the dance, they don't reflect well on her.
  • Clear My Name: DJ is falsely accused of drinking after she catches Kevin doing it and has to prove she is innocent after Jesse catches her.
  • Exact Words: When DJ asks Jesse to perform at the school dance to make music, he asks her if there's a band there to back him up, and she replies there is. It's when he actually arrives to find out that she meant the school's marching band. He later calls her out for not being entirely honest with her.
  • Eye Contact as Proof: Without even knowing what's going on, Stephanie instantly believes DJ when she insists "I didn't do anything".
    "Because you looked me right in the eye. When you lie, you look at the top of my head."
  • Full-Name Ultimatum: Jesse does this to DJ when confronting her about the beer can in her hand.
  • Go to Your Room!: When DJ comes home by Jesse's command and Danny is convinced that she was actually drinking beer, he says this trope to her, much to her anguished fury.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Paul, Sam and Kevin are caught drinking offscreen and are suspended from school.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: When DJ comes back to the dance to talk to Kevin after he was busted, Kimmy advises her to talk to him now, as she might not see him for a long time. This actually is Kevin's last appearance in the show, and he didn't appear at all in Fuller House.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Twice.
    • Kevin has this when he realizes DJ was blamed for what he, Paul and Sam did, thankfully he redeems himself by telling Danny, Jesse, and Joey the truth after they get caught.
    • Jesse himself has this when he realizes he falsely accused DJ of drinking.
  • Not What It Looks Like: DJ was mocking Kevin's friends for how stupid they looked by drinking, unfortunately, Uncle Jesse walks in and the boys pull a Wounded Gazelle Gambit. Kevin was getting paper towels for DJ and was offscreen so he couldn't back DJ up.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: Kimmy elaborates on what the audience and DJ missed out on that Kevin and the other two guys got caught drinking and got suspended. Judging from the tone of her voice, it was a lot of fun to watch.
  • Soda Can Shakeup: When DJ first confronts Kevin and his friends for drinking beer, one of them (Sam) advises her to have fun, and does this trope on her. This leaves her smelling like beer, which is part of what convinces Jesse and later Danny that she was drinking.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: DJ, when she notices that she's holding a beer can in her hand as Jesse is angrily confronting her, has this trope written on her face when she realizes that she just unintentionally landed herself in major trouble.
  • Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Kevin's two friends, Sam and Paul, pull this when Uncle Jesse walks in on them and DJ was conveniently holding their beer. Luckily, they got caught when they push their luck and continue drinking after avoiding trouble once.
