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Recap / Friends S 8 E 19 The One With Joeys Interview

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Joey gets interviewed for a soap opera magazine and brings the gang along so they'll stop him from saying things he shouldn't.


  • Big Eater: After the interviewer tells him the magazine is paying for their meal Joey asks Gunther to bring him the entire display of muffins.
  • Clip Show: In his interview, Joey recalls various things that have happened to him across the series, so a lot of the episode is showing clips of past Joey moments. The clip of his performance in "Freud!" is actually from the extended cut of "TOW the Butt" and shows Joey doing a dance solo after he finishes the first verse.
  • Crossword Puzzle: Rachel finds Joey's name as an answer in a crossword puzzle, which she and Joey take as a sign of him becoming famous.
  • LGBT Fanbase: In-Universe. Joey is surprised to discover he has a large male gay fanbase. At the end of the episode, he reveals he sent a "steamy" picture of himself to the magazine to please said fanbase.
  • Malaproper: Joey claims that in his spare time he's a "mento" to kids.
    Interviewer: A "mento" the candy?
    Joey: Matter of fact, I do.
