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Recap / Final Space S 1 E 8 Chapter 8

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Nightfall tells Gary and the crew about a possible help they could receive. The journey brings revelations about Gary, his father, Lord Commander and Mooncake.


  • Alternate Self: Once Gary ventures into the deepest part of Bolo’s mind, he sees multiple alternate versions of himself. Among others, there are: a female Gary, a Gary whose head is a balloon, a construction worker, a clown, a wizard, a robot, an Eagle-head Gary, a cookie headed Gary, a microscopic Gary, amazing moustache Gary, and a Gary without eyes.
  • Another Dimension: The crew visits one called Inner Space to ask help from the Titan Bolo.
  • Bad News in a Good Way: Gary asks HUE if he can change the countdown to when his oxygen will run out to somthing more cheerfull, so HUE makes it a cookie timer.
  • Big "NO!": Gary screams one as he watches the exact moment John dies in the explosion.
  • But Now I Must Go: Nightfall outright decides that the Galaxy One crew in the present timeline doesn't need her after she sees their camaraderie, and opts to stay with Bolo.
  • Driven to Suicide: Nightfall reveals that in the Bad Future she came from, she eventually decided to end her life by throwing herself in lava. That was when the Titan Bolo came to her and recruited her to change the past.
  • Easily Condemned: When John Goodspeed hears how Jack, his friend for 29 years, will become an enemy of his son Gary in the future, he quickly takes Gary's word for it and suggests they beat the crap out of him while time is frozen.
  • Evil Former Friend: It is revealed that the Lord Commander used to be the best friend to Gary's dad John, back when he was simply Jack. When Gary tells his dad what Jack becomes in the future and what he will do to him, John quickly takes Gary's word for it, despite having been friends with Jack for 29 years, and takes the opportunity to beat the crap out of Jack with Gary while time is frozen.
  • Face Death with Dignity: When Gary tells his dad that he never came back from the mission he is on, John casually realizes that means he is about to die, never panicking or worrying about it once. He goes out to seal the breech himself, ensuring Gary stays behind, and uses his final moments to tell Gary his one regret, not being able to see Gary grow up, didn't happen and that he is proud of the man his son has become.
  • Hurl It into the Sun: The crew of the Galaxy One deliberately flies into a sun since that is the only way to reach Bolo.
  • I Can't Believe I'm Saying This: Said by Gary when he agrees with Nightfall that they have to fly into a sun.
  • Journey to the Center of the Mind: Since Bolo is asleep, the Galaxy One’s crew enters his mind to talk to him. The brain consists of many chambers, each one more alien and bizarre than the previous.
  • Groin Attack: When beating up Jack, Gary gives him a few good punches in the crotch.
  • History Repeats: It turns out John Goodspeed’s final mission was also to close a breach in space that threatened the Earth.
  • Little "No": Quinn reacts this way after seeing Gary's Big "NO!" and John's death.
  • The Man in the Moon: In the flashback (or flash forward considering this was in a potential future), Bolo appeared to Future!Quinn/Nightfall as a face in the moon.
  • Nervous Wreck: Towards the others, Gary keeps up an attitude of a fearless captain who will lead them on a mission to save the Earth. But one Gilligan Cut later and we see he’s actually very nervous and not up to the task. This anxiety comes back to bite him once he is inside Bolo’s mind, since it literally starts consuming him.
  • Only the Worthy May Pass: Once they reach Bolo’s mind palace in brain chamber 795, it’s revealed only 1 person is allowed to proceed, and Gary is the Chosen One to do so.
  • Pensieve Flashback: Bolo gives Gary one about the day his father died, in order to tell Gary how to close the breach. It’s even more interactive than the previous pensieve flashback he had, since Gary is actually able to talk to his father.
  • Plot-Demanded Manual Mode: H.U.E. tries to steer the Galaxy One into the apperture, but the sun's heat destroys the navigation system, forcing Gary to fly the ship manually. He barely manages to pull it off.
  • The Reveal: We learn this episode that Nightfall was send back in time by a good titan named Bolo, that the Lord Commander was once Jack, a normal alien and John Goodspeed’s co-pilot and friend, and that Mooncake is made of the matter that composes Final Space.
  • Set Right What Once Went Wrong: Gary tries to save his father during the Pensieve Flashback, but is ultimately unable to do so.
  • A Shared Suffering: Since the others can see Gary’s adventure in the Pensieve Flashback, Little Cato realizes Gary too lost his father. When Gary comes back he immediately sympathizes with him.
  • Start of Darkness: We see this episode how the Lord Commander came to be; he was John Goodspeed’s copilot, who got exposed to Final Space when John closed a previous breach, but his ship got wrecked in the process.
  • The Stoic: While the others are freaked out by the travel through Bolo’s mind, the flaming creature acting as their guide keeps a completely stoic face. He becomes less stoic however when angered by Gary’s antics or the questions the others keep asking.
  • Something Only They Would Say: John Goodspeed believes Gary is indeed his son from the future when Gary tells him the promise they made each other just before John departed on his last mission; that he would have his own adventures. Bunches and bunches of them.
  • Tears of Blood: Gary’s eyes start bleeding during the journey into Bolo’s mind, causing him to freak out.
  • Time-Freeze Trolling Spree: After Gary tells John about who Jack becomes in his time, father and son bond by beating the ever-living crap out of Jack when the latter is frozen in time.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: John's final words to Gary when he tells Gary to just do his best.
    Gary: What if my best isn't good enough?
    John: It's good enough for me.
